On Thursday 2016-11-03 17:56:35 TheMetMan wrote:
> I have just tried 
> su - bacula 
> with bacula user having /bin/bash and that works, no password. 
> I can create a file in the bacula-backups folder and delete it. 
> However I get the same permissions error when I try to set a label. 
> Here is the full output of the label command fromthe bconsole 
> ------------------------------------------------- 
> Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalogMySQL 
> Using Catalog "MyCatalogMySQL" 
> Automatically selected Storage: File 
> Enter new Volume name: Full-Pool-xensync- 
> Defined Pools: 
> 1: Default 
> 2: File 
> 3: Scratch 
> 4: Full-Pool-xensync 
> 5: Diff-Pool-xensync 
> 6: Inc-Pool-xensync 
> Select the Pool (1-6): 4 
> Connecting to Storage daemon File at xensync.fsoft.nnet:9103 ... 
> Sending label command for Volume "Full-Pool-xensync-" Slot 0 ... 
> 3910 Unable to open device ""Storage-xensync"
> (/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync)": ERR=file_dev.c:185
> Could not
> open(/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync/Full-Pool-xensync-,
> CREATE_READ_WRITE,0640): ERR=Permission denied 
> Label command failed for Volume Full-Pool-xensync-. 
> Do not forget to mount the drive!!! 
> ------------------------------------------------- 
> many thanks 
> Francis 

Just to make sure once again...
And when you su to user bacula you can enter the directory
/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync and create a file
in that directory?

You have said that you can write a file inside the directory
/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups but in your first
message you have pasted the Device resource which says that
the Archive Device is /home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync
and not /home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups

Therefore you should manually check if you can write into the
directory /home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync

BTW, you didn't have to change shell to bacula user. You could
simply su like this: su - bacula -s /bin/bash

What user is used by the bacula-sd daemon?

BTW, in your case bacula doesn't need to be in the disk group.

Also, I don't think that you want all_squash in your /etc/exports
file. Here what the exports(5) manual page says about it:

       Map all uids and gids to the anonymous  user.  Useful  for  NFS-
       exported  public  FTP  directories, news spool directories, etc.
       The opposite option is no_all_squash, which is the default  set‐

Josip Deanovic

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