
On 04/09/2014 10:37 PM, Randall Svancara wrote:

Bacula is a great product and it is great to see that it is thriving.  Obviously the Bareos fork is giving  you grief as it aims to provide a competing product under a more open licensing model. 
Well, first please let me take issue with you.  From what you write it sounds like  you have been reading their website and believe their propaganda.  Bacula's licensing is 100% open source it is the same open licensing model.  Your statement (whether or not you read the Bareos propaganda) shows exactly what the problem is: people believe the misinformation that Bareos is writing.

Although you could litigate or wage war on the Bareos project, and put all your efforts into their demise.  I might suggest your efforts would be better served at building a stronger community in the Bacula project.
I am not personally litigating, but Bacula Systems is, because Bareos very likely has about 100,000 lines of Bacula Systems proprietary code (all of which will over time go into Bacula), and they have already shown that they are quite ready to take it and put it into their Bareos source code.  They did so in September with 400 lines of code that I personally wrote, but it was buried (hidden?) inside a 2000 line commit.
 Show Bareos why Bacula is better through a thriving, well supported community that wants to contribute to make Bacula better.  Taking the higher road on this might be a better strategy. 
I have tried the high road, and I am still trying not to write slander, vague or misleading statements.  Everything I write is backed up by facts. 

Eventually all campaigns to defame another will come back to bite you in some way.  
You are right.  Look at their website and you will see that since the beginning they have been doing so from the very beginning.  I remained silent for over 9 months and it only got worse.  If you find something that "defames another" that I have written, please point it out to me and I will fix it.

Keep building a great product and I think you will find in time that Bareos will simply disappear.   Move the technology forward, make it easier to use, provide a great value proposition and  you will win every time.

This is exactly what is happening, and I am fortunate that Bacula Systems is behind me continuing to contribute to this effort.

 If I were you, I would see the Bareos project as an opportunity to raise the bar, make a better product.
Bacula is already the best product I can make.  I can always add more to it though.  I am not too worried about Bareos long run, because I have seen the quality of the code that is going into it and the number of bugs they have been creating.  Much of their new code would never stand a chance of getting into Bacula.  I am actually sorry for their users.  In addition if their users follow the Bareos device on tape block sizes, some of them at some point will end up with corrupted data.

Good Luck,



Hope to see Bacula continue to move forward.   

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:
Hello Bacula Users,

I need your help.  Bareos, mostly through Maik Aussendorf, is carrying a negative publicity campaign on the Bacula wikipedia site:


The problem is every time I remove their propaganda, which is the following:


Bareos Fork

In 2010, a fork of Bacula was started by contributors that were dissatisfied with the current conduct (by which principal developers allegedly silently ignored contributions), and the change to a closed-source license model for the newly created Enterpise version of Bacula.[5] Eventually, this fork was made public under the Name Bareos in early 2013. It's main goals are to keep the software truly open-source, to ease configuration and introduce new features.[6] Bacula Systems accuses Bareos of plagiarism and copyright violations and opened a lawsuit[7] against Bareos and a former Bacula community member in early December 2013, alleging violation of IP (theft of proprietary software) and unfair competition. The Bareos project in turn considers those accusations as ungrounded FUD.[8]


They put it back, and they have complained that I remove it, so there is an army of "monitors" threatening me.

I would very much appreciate help from any of you who know more about Wikipedia than I do to help me delete the information that they keep reposting in the above item. At first I tried editing it to a more neutral statement, but they keep putting it back, so I have decided that the best is to totally remove it. 

I need your help to succeed. If I am the only one removing this unpleasant material from the Bacula page, they will ultimately bar me, and we will be forced to have Bareos propaganda defacing what the Bacula users and myself have created over the years.  If there are numerous users removing it, at some point they may understand.  I suggest that you leave a comment in why you edited it to say something like "Removed inappropriate material" or anything of that nature.



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Randall Svancara

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