On 04/09/14 16:37, Randall Svancara wrote:
> Hi,
> Bacula is a great product and it is great to see that it is thriving.
>  Obviously the Bareos fork is giving  you grief as it aims to provide a
> competing product under a more open licensing model.  Although you could
> litigate or wage war on the Bareos project, and put all your efforts
> into their demise.  I might suggest your efforts would be better served
> at building a stronger community in the Bacula project.  Show Bareos why
> Bacula is better through a thriving, well supported community that wants
> to contribute to make Bacula better.  Taking the higher road on this
> might be a better strategy.  Eventually all campaigns to defame another
> will come back to bite you in some way.   Keep building a great product
> and I think you will find in time that Bareos will simply disappear.  
> Move the technology forward, make it easier to use, provide a great
> value proposition and  you will win every time.  If I were you, I would
> see the Bareos project as an opportunity to raise the bar, make a better
> product. 

You are missing the point.

The issue is not that Bareos is a fork of Bacula.  If Bareos were a
clean, above-the-board fork of Bacula community edition, conducted
openly and maintaining all due attribution and credit, there would not
be a problem.  But that's not what happened.  DassIT created the Bareos
fork in secret using Bacula Enterprise code stolen from Bacula Systems
by a consultant who was under non-disclosure agreement, removed all of
the author attributions from the code in an apparent attempt to disguise
the theft, and then launched a smear campaign against Bacula.

I think you will have to agree this is a very different state of affairs.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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