Bacula is a great product and it is great to see that it is thriving.
Obviously the Bareos fork is giving you grief as it aims to provide a
competing product under a more open licensing model. Although you could
litigate or wage war on the Bareos project, and put all your efforts into
their demise. I might suggest your efforts would be better served at
building a stronger community in the Bacula project. Show Bareos why
Bacula is better through a thriving, well supported community that wants to
contribute to make Bacula better. Taking the higher road on this might be
a better strategy. Eventually all campaigns to defame another will come
back to bite you in some way. Keep building a great product and I think
you will find in time that Bareos will simply disappear. Move the
technology forward, make it easier to use, provide a great value
proposition and you will win every time. If I were you, I would see the
Bareos project as an opportunity to raise the bar, make a better product.
Good Luck,
Hope to see Bacula continue to move forward.
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:
> Hello Bacula Users,
> I need your help. Bareos, mostly through Maik Aussendorf, is carrying a
> negative publicity campaign on the Bacula wikipedia site:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacula
> The problem is every time I remove their propaganda, which is the
> following:
> ======
> Bareos Fork
> In 2010, a fork of Bacula was started by contributors that were
> dissatisfied with the current conduct (by which principal developers
> allegedly silently ignored contributions), and the change to a
> closed-source license model for the newly created Enterpise version of
> Bacula.[5] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacula#cite_note-5> Eventually,
> this fork was made public under the Name Bareos in early 2013. It's main
> goals are to keep the software truly open-source, to ease configuration and
> introduce new
> features.[6]<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacula#cite_note-6>Bacula Systems
> accuses Bareos of plagiarism and copyright violations and
> opened a lawsuit[7] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacula#cite_note-7>against
> Bareos and a former Bacula community member in early December 2013,
> alleging violation of IP (theft of proprietary software) and unfair
> competition. The Bareos project in turn considers those accusations as
> ungrounded FUD <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt>
> .[8] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacula#cite_note-8>
> ======
> They put it back, and they have complained that I remove it, so there is
> an army of "monitors" threatening me.
> I would very much appreciate help from any of you who know more about
> Wikipedia than I do to help me delete the information that they keep
> reposting in the above item. At first I tried editing it to a more neutral
> statement, but they keep putting it back, so I have decided that the best
> is to totally remove it.
> I need your help to succeed. If I am the only one removing this unpleasant
> material from the Bacula page, they will ultimately bar me, and we will be
> forced to have Bareos propaganda defacing what the Bacula users and myself
> have created over the years. If there are numerous users removing it, at
> some point they may understand. I suggest that you leave a comment in why
> you edited it to say something like "Removed inappropriate material" or
> anything of that nature.
> Thanks,
> Kern
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