> help me delete the information that they keep reposting in the above
item......They put it back, and they have complained that I remove it, so
there is an army of "monitors" threatening me.


What they did is now a part of the history of Bacula, and they are adding
their version of what happened to Wikipedia. Why not just add your version
of the events? If you aren't allowed to erase theirs, then they won't be
allowed to erase yours, right?


What happened sucks, but it makes for a colorful past - it makes Bacula more
interesting. All publicity is good publicity. 


Be magnanimous and take the high road, explain what happened in a
professional manner without attacking or making accusations. That would be
more profitable to you and to Bacula in the long run.


The energy wasted in struggling with them on Wikipedia (or anywhere else)
will not benefit Bacula. 


Besides, if Bareos doesn't keep up with (or surpass) Bacula, it will simply
fade away in time. Building a community of support and becoming as well
known as Bacula cannot be a simple thing...



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