not really

*add pool=bacula-pool-tape-incremental 
You probably don't want to be using this command since it
creates database records without labeling the Volumes.
You probably want to use the "label" command.

Enter number of Volumes to create. 0=>fixed name. Max=1000: 0
Enter Volume name: B00000
sql_create.c:396 Volume "B00000" already exists.
*add pool=bacula-pool-tape-full 
You probably don't want to be using this command since it
creates database records without labeling the Volumes.
You probably want to use the "label" command.

Enter number of Volumes to create. 0=>fixed name. Max=1000: 0
Enter Volume name: B00000
sql_create.c:396 Volume "B00000" already exists.

in the first mail the volume is present in the tape-incremental pool 
listing, other pools are empty, also below, that pool is listed as 
having 1 volume, which is basically what i have

i dont understand the flow of the storage daemon and if it uses the 
catalog (could this be caused by a catalog corruption?), so i cant 
really narrow this down, might be a bug then again might be me
what i dont understand is why b*utilities see the bacula label on the 
tape and the SD doesnt, arent all using the same libs?

Aaron Knister wrote:
> Basically it sounds like that tape didn't get assigned to a pool. Try 
> this in bconsole-
> add pool=/pool name/ storage=bacula-device-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01
> then when prompted enter the volume name of the tape which I think is 
> B00000
> Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem at hand. I'm still not using 
> bacula version 2.0
> Dragos Gheorghe wrote:
>> *list pool
>> Automatically selected Catalog: bacula-catalog
>> Using Catalog "bacula-catalog"
>> +--------+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
>> | PoolId | Name                          | NumVols | MaxVols | 
>> PoolType | LabelFormat                                    |
>> +--------+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
>> |      1 | bacula-pool-file              |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | ${Client}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume            |
>> |      2 | bacula-pool-tape              |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
>> |      3 | bacula-pool-file-full         |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
>> |      4 | bacula-pool-file-differential |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
>> |      5 | bacula-pool-file-incremental  |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
>> |      6 | bacula-pool-file-catalog      |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
>> |      7 | bacula-pool-tape-full         |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
>> |      8 | bacula-pool-tape-differential |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
>> |      9 | bacula-pool-tape-incremental  |       1 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
>> |     10 | bacula-pool-tape-catalog      |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
>> |     11 | Scratch                       |       0 |       0 | 
>> Backup   | *                                              |
>> +--------+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
>> Aaron Knister wrote:
>>> What does a list pool show?
>>> Dragos Gheorghe wrote:
>>>> my setup worked ok both on scheduled jobs and bconsole run command, 
>>>> until today and for a couple of months now (on bacula 2 from 2 weeks)
>>>> im working on Version: 2.0.1 (12 January 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu 
>>>> redhat
>>>> compiled from source on centos 4
>>>> i think the problem started from canceling a label command with "." 
>>>> (single dot) after trying to use that to add the volume to another 
>>>> pool as well
>>>> *label
>>>> ...
>>>>     22: bacula-storage-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01
>>>> Select Storage resource (1-22): 22
>>>> Enter new Volume name: B00000
>>>> Media record for new Volume "B00000" already exists.
>>>> Enter new Volume name: Volume name must be at least one character 
>>>> long.
>>>> Enter new Volume name:
>>>> Volume name must be at least one character long.
>>>> Enter new Volume name: .
>>>> *mess
>>>> You have no messages.
>>>> im not sure this is the cause
>>>> mount command
>>>> ....
>>>>     22: bacula-storage-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01
>>>> Select Storage resource (1-22): 22
>>>> 3905 Device "bacula-device-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01" (/dev/nst0) 
>>>> open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
>>>> If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
>>>> output from btape readlabel and status
>>>> btape: btape.c:419 Volume label read correctly.
>>>> Volume Label:
>>>> Id                : Bacula 1.0 immortal
>>>> VerNo             : 11
>>>> VolName           : B00000
>>>> PrevVolName       :
>>>> VolFile           : 0
>>>> LabelType         : VOL_LABEL
>>>> LabelSize         : 197
>>>> PoolName          : bacula-pool-tape-incremental
>>>> MediaType         : bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2
>>>> PoolType          : Backup
>>>> HostName          : soter
>>>> Date label written: 01-Feb-2007 10:00
>>>> *status
>>>>  Bacula status: file=0 block=0
>>>>  Device status: BOT ONLINE IM_REP_EN file=0 block=0
>>>> btape: btape.c:1799 Device status: 645. ERR=
>>>> bscan also shows no errors
>>>> bscan: butil.c:283 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for reading.
>>>> 06-Feb 07:23 bscan: Ready to read from volume "B00000" on device 
>>>> "bacula-device-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01" (/dev/nst0).
>>>> bscan: bscan.c:288 Using Database: bacula, User: bacula
>>>> bscan: bscan.c:426 Pool record for bacula-pool-tape-incremental 
>>>> found in DB.
>>>> bscan: bscan.c:440 Pool type "Backup" is OK.
>>>> bscan: bscan.c:450 Media record for B00000 found in DB.
>>>> bscan: bscan.c:468 Media type "bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2" is OK.
>>>> bscan: bscan.c:477 VOL_LABEL: OK for Volume: B00000
>>>> ...and lots of job tests that look ok
>>>> also i tested the tape drive and tape with btape ok
>>>> llist media
>>>> .....
>>>> Pool: bacula-pool-tape-incremental
>>>>           MediaId: 1
>>>>        VolumeName: B00000
>>>>              Slot: 0
>>>>            PoolId: 9
>>>>         MediaType: bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2
>>>>      FirstWritten: 2007-02-01 10:00:06
>>>>       LastWritten: 2007-02-06 04:52:00
>>>>         LabelDate: 2007-02-01 10:00:06
>>>>           VolJobs: 43
>>>>          VolFiles: 169
>>>>         VolBlocks: 2,792,562
>>>>         VolMounts: 1
>>>>          VolBytes: 180,153,824,256
>>>>         VolErrors: 0
>>>>         VolWrites: 2,792,563
>>>>  VolCapacityBytes: 0
>>>>         VolStatus: Append
>>>>           Enabled: 1
>>>>           Recycle: 1
>>>>      VolRetention: 2,764,800
>>>>    VolUseDuration: 0
>>>>        MaxVolJobs: 0
>>>>       MaxVolFiles: 0
>>>>       MaxVolBytes: 0
>>>>         InChanger: 0
>>>>           EndFile: 168
>>>>          EndBlock: 7,002
>>>>          VolParts: 0
>>>>         LabelType: 0
>>>>         StorageId: 22
>>>>          DeviceId: 0
>>>>        LocationId: 0
>>>>      RecycleCount: 0
>>>>      InitialWrite: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>>>>     ScratchPoolId: 0
>>>>     RecyclePoolId: 0
>>>>           Comment: NULL
>>>> list volume
>>>> ....
>>>> Pool: bacula-pool-tape-incremental
>>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+
>>>> | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes        | 
>>>> VolFiles | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | 
>>>> MediaType                  | LastWritten         |
>>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+
>>>> |       1 | B00000     | Append    |       1 | 180,153,824,256 
>>>> |      169 |    2,764,800 |       1 |    0 |         0 | 
>>>> bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2 | 2007-02-06 04:52:00 |
>>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+
>>>> device is
>>>> (scsi1:A:6): 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz DT, offset 127, 16bit)
>>>>   Vendor: CERTANCE  Model: ULTRIUM 2         Rev: 1748
>>>>   Type:   Sequential-Access                  ANSI SCSI revision: 03
>>>> any idea what this problem is about and more importantly how to 
>>>> correct it?
>>>> thank you for your time
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