Basically it sounds like that tape didn't get assigned to a pool. Try 
this in bconsole-

add pool=/pool name/ storage=bacula-device-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01

then when prompted enter the volume name of the tape which I think is B00000

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem at hand. I'm still not using 
bacula version 2.0

Dragos Gheorghe wrote:
> *list pool
> Automatically selected Catalog: bacula-catalog
> Using Catalog "bacula-catalog"
> +--------+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
> | PoolId | Name                          | NumVols | MaxVols | 
> PoolType | LabelFormat                                    |
> +--------+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
> |      1 | bacula-pool-file              |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | ${Client}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume            |
> |      2 | bacula-pool-tape              |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
> |      3 | bacula-pool-file-full         |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
> |      4 | bacula-pool-file-differential |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
> |      5 | bacula-pool-file-incremental  |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
> |      6 | bacula-pool-file-catalog      |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | ${Client}_${Level:l}_${NumVols:p/6/0/r}.volume |
> |      7 | bacula-pool-tape-full         |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
> |      8 | bacula-pool-tape-differential |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
> |      9 | bacula-pool-tape-incremental  |       1 |       0 | 
> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
> |     10 | bacula-pool-tape-catalog      |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | B${NumVols:p/5/0/r}                            |
> |     11 | Scratch                       |       0 |       0 | 
> Backup   | *                                              |
> +--------+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
> Aaron Knister wrote:
>> What does a list pool show?
>> Dragos Gheorghe wrote:
>>> my setup worked ok both on scheduled jobs and bconsole run command, 
>>> until today and for a couple of months now (on bacula 2 from 2 weeks)
>>> im working on Version: 2.0.1 (12 January 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
>>> compiled from source on centos 4
>>> i think the problem started from canceling a label command with "." 
>>> (single dot) after trying to use that to add the volume to another 
>>> pool as well
>>> *label
>>> ...
>>>     22: bacula-storage-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01
>>> Select Storage resource (1-22): 22
>>> Enter new Volume name: B00000
>>> Media record for new Volume "B00000" already exists.
>>> Enter new Volume name: Volume name must be at least one character long.
>>> Enter new Volume name:
>>> Volume name must be at least one character long.
>>> Enter new Volume name: .
>>> *mess
>>> You have no messages.
>>> im not sure this is the cause
>>> mount command
>>> ....
>>>     22: bacula-storage-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01
>>> Select Storage resource (1-22): 22
>>> 3905 Device "bacula-device-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01" (/dev/nst0) 
>>> open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
>>> If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
>>> output from btape readlabel and status
>>> btape: btape.c:419 Volume label read correctly.
>>> Volume Label:
>>> Id                : Bacula 1.0 immortal
>>> VerNo             : 11
>>> VolName           : B00000
>>> PrevVolName       :
>>> VolFile           : 0
>>> LabelType         : VOL_LABEL
>>> LabelSize         : 197
>>> PoolName          : bacula-pool-tape-incremental
>>> MediaType         : bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2
>>> PoolType          : Backup
>>> HostName          : soter
>>> Date label written: 01-Feb-2007 10:00
>>> *status
>>>  Bacula status: file=0 block=0
>>>  Device status: BOT ONLINE IM_REP_EN file=0 block=0
>>> btape: btape.c:1799 Device status: 645. ERR=
>>> bscan also shows no errors
>>> bscan: butil.c:283 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for reading.
>>> 06-Feb 07:23 bscan: Ready to read from volume "B00000" on device 
>>> "bacula-device-tape-ibm-ultrium-ct2-id01" (/dev/nst0).
>>> bscan: bscan.c:288 Using Database: bacula, User: bacula
>>> bscan: bscan.c:426 Pool record for bacula-pool-tape-incremental 
>>> found in DB.
>>> bscan: bscan.c:440 Pool type "Backup" is OK.
>>> bscan: bscan.c:450 Media record for B00000 found in DB.
>>> bscan: bscan.c:468 Media type "bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2" is OK.
>>> bscan: bscan.c:477 VOL_LABEL: OK for Volume: B00000
>>> ...and lots of job tests that look ok
>>> also i tested the tape drive and tape with btape ok
>>> llist media
>>> .....
>>> Pool: bacula-pool-tape-incremental
>>>           MediaId: 1
>>>        VolumeName: B00000
>>>              Slot: 0
>>>            PoolId: 9
>>>         MediaType: bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2
>>>      FirstWritten: 2007-02-01 10:00:06
>>>       LastWritten: 2007-02-06 04:52:00
>>>         LabelDate: 2007-02-01 10:00:06
>>>           VolJobs: 43
>>>          VolFiles: 169
>>>         VolBlocks: 2,792,562
>>>         VolMounts: 1
>>>          VolBytes: 180,153,824,256
>>>         VolErrors: 0
>>>         VolWrites: 2,792,563
>>>  VolCapacityBytes: 0
>>>         VolStatus: Append
>>>           Enabled: 1
>>>           Recycle: 1
>>>      VolRetention: 2,764,800
>>>    VolUseDuration: 0
>>>        MaxVolJobs: 0
>>>       MaxVolFiles: 0
>>>       MaxVolBytes: 0
>>>         InChanger: 0
>>>           EndFile: 168
>>>          EndBlock: 7,002
>>>          VolParts: 0
>>>         LabelType: 0
>>>         StorageId: 22
>>>          DeviceId: 0
>>>        LocationId: 0
>>>      RecycleCount: 0
>>>      InitialWrite: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>>>     ScratchPoolId: 0
>>>     RecyclePoolId: 0
>>>           Comment: NULL
>>> list volume
>>> ....
>>> Pool: bacula-pool-tape-incremental
>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+
>>> | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes        | 
>>> VolFiles | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | 
>>> MediaType                  | LastWritten         |
>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+
>>> |       1 | B00000     | Append    |       1 | 180,153,824,256 
>>> |      169 |    2,764,800 |       1 |    0 |         0 | 
>>> bacula-mediatype-tape-lto2 | 2007-02-06 04:52:00 |
>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+
>>> device is
>>> (scsi1:A:6): 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz DT, offset 127, 16bit)
>>>   Vendor: CERTANCE  Model: ULTRIUM 2         Rev: 1748
>>>   Type:   Sequential-Access                  ANSI SCSI revision: 03
>>> any idea what this problem is about and more importantly how to 
>>> correct it?
>>> thank you for your time
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