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Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Sunday 10 September 2006 15:18, Michel Meyers wrote:
>> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> So either changing the device type or, more likely, switching of
>> spooling or the patch, fixed the problem with the DVD running full too
>> early.
> Well, that is nice to hear :-)
> Turning off spooling certainly helped. I've now modified the code to ignore
> normal data spooling for DVD devices.  The device type is not important for
> Linux systems (I think you mentioned your OS, but I forgot), but for some
> OSes such as FreeBSD (if I am not mistaken) having Device Type = DVD is
> critical -- otherwise it thinks it is working on a File.  Judging from the
> output you have posted, I would guess that you are running a Linux system and
> so this Device Type was not a factor.

I'm running a Linux system, Debian GNU/Linux etch (Kernel 2.6.17) to be

Alas, the backup that nicely started filling my first DVD (DVD-007 which
I started it on) has just failed:

10-Sep 15:02 shodan-dir: Start Backup JobId 3,
10-Sep 15:02 shodan-sd: Volume "DVD-007" previously written, moving to
end of data.
10-Sep 15:02 shodan-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "DVD-007"
part=2 size=5508717
shodan-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend from /
into /cdrom
10-Sep 15:13 shodan-sd: Part 2 (838809989 bytes) written to DVD.
10-Sep 15:13 shodan-sd: Remaining free space 3,850,338,304 on
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd)
10-Sep 15:22 shodan-sd: Part 3 (838849526 bytes) written to DVD.
10-Sep 15:22 shodan-sd: Remaining free space 3,011,117,056 on
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd)
shodan-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend from /
into /dev
shodan-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend from /
into /var
shodan-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend from /
into /usr
shodan-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend from /
into /home
10-Sep 15:34 shodan-sd: Part 4 (838849473 bytes) written to DVD.
10-Sep 15:34 shodan-sd: Remaining free space 2,171,895,808 on
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd)
10-Sep 15:45 shodan-sd: Part 5 (838849490 bytes) written to DVD.
10-Sep 15:45 shodan-sd: Remaining free space 1,332,674,560 on
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd)
10-Sep 16:08 shodan-sd: Part 6 (838849308 bytes) written to DVD.
10-Sep 16:09 shodan-sd: Remaining free space 493,453,312 on "DVD-Writer"
10-Sep 16:25 shodan-sd: End of Volume "DVD-007" at 0:493452182 on device
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd) (part_size=493,452,183, free_space=493,453,312,
10-Sep 16:27 shodan-sd: Part 7 (493452183 bytes) written to DVD.
10-Sep 16:27 shodan-sd: Remaining free space 0 on "DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd)
10-Sep 16:27 shodan-sd: End of medium on Volume "DVD-007"
Bytes=4,687,660,162 Blocks=72,664 at 10-Sep-2006 16:27.
10-Sep 16:27 shodan-sd: Please mount Volume "DVD-008" on Storage Device
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd) for Job shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48
10-Sep 17:28 shodan-sd: Please mount Volume "DVD-008" on Storage Device
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd) for Job shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48
10-Sep 17:28 shodan-sd: Please mount Volume "DVD-008" on Storage Device
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd) for Job shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-sd: Volume "DVD-008" previously written, moving to
end of data.
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "DVD-008"
part=2 size=193
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-sd: New volume "DVD-008" mounted on device
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd) at 10-Sep-2006 17:30.
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-sd: End of Volume "DVD-008" at 0:0 on device
"DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd) (part_size=0, free_space=0, free_space_errno=0).
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-sd: shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48 Fatal error:
append.c:209 Fatal append error on device "DVD-Writer" (/dev/hdd):
ERR=dev.c:600 Could not open: /etc/bacula/working/spool/DVD-008.2,
ERR=No such file or directory

10-Sep 17:30 shodan-sd: Job write elapsed time = 01:25:04, Transfer rate
= 915.8 K bytes/second
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-fd: shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48 Fatal error:
backup.c:787 Network send error to SD. ERR=Connection reset by peer
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-fd: shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48 Error: bnet.c:426
Write error sending 11649 bytes to Storage daemon:shodan:9103:
ERR=Connection reset by peer
10-Sep 17:30 shodan-dir: shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48 Error: Bacula
1.39.22 (09Sep06): 10-Sep-2006 17:30:33
   JobId:                  3
   Job:                    shodan.2006-09-10_15.02.48
   Backup Level:           Full
   Client:                 "shodan-fd"
   FileSet:                "shodan" 2006-09-09 19:11:41
   Pool:                   "DVD" (From Job resource)
   Storage:                "DVD" (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time:         10-Sep-2006 15:02:44
   Start time:             10-Sep-2006 15:02:51
   End time:               10-Sep-2006 17:30:33
   Elapsed time:           2 hours 27 mins 42 secs
   Priority:               11
   FD Files Written:       114,724
   SD Files Written:       114,724
   FD Bytes Written:       4,660,626,076 (4.660 GB)
   SD Bytes Written:       4,674,566,658 (4.674 GB)
   Rate:                   525.9 KB/s
   Software Compression:   30.6 %
   Volume name(s):         DVD-007
   Volume Session Id:      2
   Volume Session Time:    1157892301
   Last Volume Bytes:      193 (193 B)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    1
   SD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  Error
   SD termination status:  Error
   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

Any idea why it's doing that?
The content of DVD-008:
# ls /cdrom/ -l
total 1
- -rw-r----- 1 root root 193 Sep  9 19:02 DVD-008

The spool directory contains:
# ls /etc/bacula/working/spool/ -l
total 0
- -rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Sep 10 17:27 DVD-008.7

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32) - GPGrelay v0.959


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