You know what Kern, instead of looking down at a person all that you could have 
done was just point out what I did wrong and fixing 1, only 1, to give me an 
example, that is all that I need is someone just to get me on the right path so 
that I can get this working. Remember not everyone is as magnificent as you are 
and sometimes it won't cost you a thing just to help a person out just by 
giving him practical examples on the config file he sent you so that he will 
actually see what he is doing wrong.

But in any case thank you for the reply I'll go through the manual again. 

Janco v.d Merwe
Network Administrator
Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
Switchboard: 011 541 3000
Direct: 011 541 3007
Fax: 086 632 1708

-----Original Message-----
From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 August, 2006 20:45
To: Janco van der Merwe
Subject: Re: Configuration error

Your use of quotes and forward slashes in your FileSets is all messed up.  
Please see the manual.

On Monday 28 August 2006 19:21, Janco van der Merwe wrote:
> I wonder if one of you can help me? When I add a second client to the 
dir.conf I receive a 28-Aug 18:58 bacula-dir: ERROR TERMINATION at 
> Config error: Keyword Catalog not permitted in this resource
>             : line 341, col 8 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
> Catalog {
> This only happens when I add the second client. I've check all closing 
braces and they are all where they should be. When I comment the FileSet 
directive out it moans about other things but as soon as uncomment the the 
above mentioned I get the same error. I have gone throught the FileSet with a 
hawk's eye but can't find anything. The strange thing is as soon as I move 
the client up the client works but then the original specified client gives 
the error (I hope that I'm making sense). 
> I have attached a text format of my config file if someone wants to have a 
look at it.
> P.S where Ceaser is the culprit
> Please any help will be appreciated 
> Oh I'm running FC4 with Bacula v 1.38
> Janco v.d Merwe
> Network Administrator
> Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
> Switchboard: 011 541 3000
> Direct: 011 541 3007
> Fax: 086 632 1708
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