On 30 Apr 2006 at 10:27, Bill Moran wrote:

> "James Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > In the case of MSSQL, you can _never_ safely back up the database
> > files.
> > > (Unless, of course, you shut down the database server).
> > 
> > Hmmm... I thought that MSSQL spoke VSS and could give a coherent copy of
> > the underlying files. But I was far from positive on that so I stand
> > corrected.

AFAIK, this assumes that the application in question (i.e. MS 
Exchange/MS SQL) is VSS compliant.  

> I'm not an expert on MSSQL, but I'm not aware of any system that _ever_
> allows you to back up the _files_ that make up the database safely.
> That's not to say that it couldn't be developed, I'm just not aware of
> it.

I always dump the database to text and backup the text.  IMHO, it is always The 
Right Thing To Do(tm).


> > > Like most SQL servers, MSSQL has a function do dump the database to a
> > > text file.  You then back up the text file like any other.  This is
> > the
> > > correct way to do a database backup.
> > 
> > Actually, the really correct way is to have a backup 'agent' (MSSQL
> > specific fd) that sets up a named pipe and then tells the sql server to
> > back up to that named pipe. The agent reads the data from the pipe and
> > sends it (one way or another) to the backup media.

"correct" in this context is a matter of opinion.  I think any 
solution that is guaranteed to work is correct.

> I suppose.  It would end-run the problem of having enough disk space to
> store the text file temporarily.

Bacula does do FIFO, so if disk space is an issue, pipe the database 
dump to a FIFO.

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