> > Actually, the really correct way is to have a backup 'agent' (MSSQL
> > specific fd) that sets up a named pipe and then tells the sql server
> > back up to that named pipe. The agent reads the data from the pipe
> > sends it (one way or another) to the backup media.
> I suppose.  It would end-run the problem of having enough disk space
> store the text file temporarily.

It also allows a one-step restore.

> How do you backup your transaction logs?

Not sure where you're coming from here so my answer may not match the
intent of your question.

Under MSSQL, I set up a 'maintenance plan' to back up the transaction
logs to disk each night, and purge them after 7 days. These backups are
then backed up to tape as part of the nightly tape backup. I see this as
an imperfect solution though, but can't exactly put my finger on why.

I always do full backups where possible, but in the case of an
incremental backup, you would do the full database backup at the start
of the backup cycle (eg Monday), and then only the transaction logs for
the remainder of the backup cycle. My mistrust of tapes (bordering on
superstitious :) leads me to believe that a full nightly backup is the
only way to go, otherwise you are pinning the ability to do a useful
restore on more than one tape.


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