With SQLServer 2000 or higher running on Windows 2003 server with the
VSS enabled Bacula client you will be able to backup your "hot"
database. This is part of the perks of VSS, so you *can* safely backup
your database with it running. With that being said I would still
schedule some form of DB export or dump on a weekly basis or such. DB
exports are always a useful tool not only for disaster recovery but for
things like QA testing on dev servers ... and its better to be safe then
As for the Exchange per mailbox backup/restore that would be a good
feature to have. In Exchange 2003 you can restore (inside Exchange) a
single mailbox using a special storage group but it still requires
pulling the entire mailbox storage group from tape/disk restore. This
type of activity I understand to be much more difficult in Exc2000.
Either way if you could specifiy a mailbox to be restored from the
Exchange storage group and restore it life would become much easier for
anyone doing Exchange -> Bacula .
Bill Moran wrote:
"James Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the case of MSSQL, you can _never_ safely back up the database
(Unless, of course, you shut down the database server).
Hmmm... I thought that MSSQL spoke VSS and could give a coherent copy of
the underlying files. But I was far from positive on that so I stand
I'm not an expert on MSSQL, but I'm not aware of any system that _ever_
allows you to back up the _files_ that make up the database safely.
That's not to say that it couldn't be developed, I'm just not aware of
I do know that the last time I researched the documents, the deal was
that the only way to ensure a reliable backup was to use the MSSQL backup
tools. Of course, this could be coded up by other vendors to make it
integrate with their system more transparently.
Like most SQL servers, MSSQL has a function do dump the database to a
text file. You then back up the text file like any other. This is
correct way to do a database backup.
Actually, the really correct way is to have a backup 'agent' (MSSQL
specific fd) that sets up a named pipe and then tells the sql server to
back up to that named pipe. The agent reads the data from the pipe and
sends it (one way or another) to the backup media.
I suppose. It would end-run the problem of having enough disk space to
store the text file temporarily.
How do you backup your transaction logs?
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