On Mon, 1 May 2006 11:48:55 +1000
"James Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Not sure where you're coming from here so my answer may not match
> the
> > > intent of your question.
> > 
> > I guess my point was simply that backing up transaction logs is an
> > important part of MSSQL, and generally involves dumping them to ASCII
> (?)
> > files as well, then doing a second step to get them off to archival
> > media.
> I would always use MSSQL backups (eg 'BACKUP LOG xyzzy TO
> backupdevice'), which stores things in a binary file. I'm not sure that
> there is a way to get an ASCII (I assume you mean plain text)
> representation of the transaction logs, or why you would want to.

ASCII ... binary ... whatever.

I _thought_ those files were ASCII, but it's not terribly important.
What _is_ important is that the files represent a consistent view of
the data in the database that can be backed up by normal file backup

> > And I guess my point to that was if you want to make a plugin to
> backup
> > MSSQL, it's got to get the transaction logs as well.
> I've been toying with this, and I'm almost to the point where the
> director can query my agent and ask for an estimate of data to be backed
> up.
> The way this works is that when you issue the SQL command "BACKUP LOG
> xyzzy TO PIPE = '\\.\pipe\bacula6789'", MSSQL creates the named pipe and
> waits for the agent to connect to it. Once connected, MSSQL just pumps
> the data down until finished. This works for "BACKUP DATABASE" and
> "BACKUP LOG" commands in just the same way, so there is little need to
> differentiate.

Cool.  I have a client I'm liable to migrate to Bacula some time this
year.  I may come looking for your work when that happens.

> > > I always do full backups where possible, but in the case of an
> > > incremental backup, you would do the full database backup at the
> start
> > > of the backup cycle (eg Monday), and then only the transaction logs
> for
> > > the remainder of the backup cycle. My mistrust of tapes (bordering
> on
> > > superstitious :) leads me to believe that a full nightly backup is
> the
> > > only way to go, otherwise you are pinning the ability to do a useful
> > > restore on more than one tape.
> > 
> > Agreed.  I have a few clients where the amount of data they have to
> back
> > up is small enough that (IMHO) it's practical to do a full backup
> every
> > time.  In such a case, I figure it's smarter than dealing with
> > incrementals, where things can sometimes go wrong.
> The MSSQL databases of our clients wouldn't be larger than 10-20gb,
> Exchange databases would be under 30gb, and total ordinary files would
> be no larger than 200-300gb (often much less), so a 200/400gb LTO drive
> is plenty big enough for most and still cheap enough to be used in
> preference to incremental backups. Our recommendation (and most clients
> follow it) is to have a set of 4 tapes for Monday to Thursday backups, 5
> tapes for Friday backups, and to take a tape out of the set and archive
> it at significant dates (per quarter, each financial year, etc depending
> on the client and their records keeping needs). This is using Seagate
> Backup Exec though, 
> Do you have a rule of thumb for the point at which you would say "this
> is too much data, lets do it incrementally"?

Nothing hard and fast.  It's always been a matter of gauging the time
and the space.  I guess my rule is if the backup can be done in the
time alloted, and fill a single tape, then it's worth doing a full
every time.  Time alloted changes for each client, most folks you can
run the backup all night, but some people have second shift or other
scheduled maintenance that I try to work around, thus reducing the
time allotment.  Another thing I take into account is that some folks
don't have a full-time sysadmin.  If a scheduled backup(s) fail for
any reason, they may not notice it for some time, and the incrementals
might become useless.  That's another argument in favor of nightly
full backups.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

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