On Wednesday 29 March 2006 11:54, Heinz Ulrich Stille wrote:
> Hi!
> As far as I can tell the "Max Start Delay" for a scheduled job is
> checked only when the job finally gets to run.
> I've got three jobs with different priorities in each backup, so
> if one backup isn't able to run (perhaps tape wasn't changed, or
> I'm manually doing something else) I'll get the success messages
> of the next run interleaved with the errors of the timed out one.

Can you show us an example?  Some of what you say concerning why the job 
exceeds the Max Start Delay doesn't sound pertinent.

> For clarity I'd prefer to get the failure notices as soon as the
> timeout occurs (in the logs, too). 

If I remember right, the job is canceled at the correct time.  However, the 
job must be actually started for it to be properly canceled and recorded in 
the database, etc ...

> Is this possible? 

I'd need to "see" the problem, but it is unlikely to be something that I would 
personally change because of lack of time, but depending on what is involved, 
it someone wants to submit a patch -- OK.

> MfG, Ulrich

Best regards,



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