Perhaps this is a bug, but I imagine it has been there for some time. 
Nevertheless if you want, file a bug report. You just hit me at a bad time -- 
I am totally burned out on bugs and don't want to look at or deal with any 
bugs for the next couple of weeks. It would be nice if someone else dealt 
with this so that I can work on a few new features.  Sorry -- please don't 
take this personally.

On Wednesday 29 March 2006 22:50, Heinz Ulrich Stille wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 March 2006 20:53, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > > I think the jobs "full.2006-03-27_17.30.00",
> > > "catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01" and "closing.2006-03-27_17.30.02" should
> > > all have been cancelled on the 28th, 15:30 (17:30 + timeout of 22
> > > hours).
> > >
> > > MfG, Ulrich
> >
> > In looking at the output, I see no evidence that the messages are out of
> > order or intermingled as I understood you were saying.
> It is possible that I just don't understand the docs. But if a job is
> scheduled for 17:30 and has a max start delay of 22 hours, shouldn't it
> be cancelled at 15:30 the next day?
> Scheduling and running of jobs is not logged, so the log is not as clear
> as it could be. But e.g. the job "catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01" was
> not cancelled on 2006-03-28 15.30.01, but instead on 2006-03-28 at
> 19.16.06, /after/ another job, "full.2006-03-28_17.30.00" was completed,
> although that job was scheduled a whole day later.
> The mails are sent in the same order: success of full.2006-03-28_17.30.00,
> failure of catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01, success of
> catalog.2006-03-28_17.30.01 ...
> The "status director" command does show the same order:
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name
> ========================================================================
>      3  Full    803,049 172,003,756,473 OK       28-Mar-06 17:34 full
>      4  Incr          0              0 Error    28-Mar-06 17:34 full
>      7  Incr      9,788  5,295,056,880 OK       28-Mar-06 19:16 full
>      5  Full          0              0 Error    28-Mar-06 19:16 catalog
>      8  Full          1    101,405,753 OK       28-Mar-06 19:18 catalog
>      6                0              0 Error    28-Mar-06 19:18 closing
>      9                0              0 OK       28-Mar-06 19:19 closing
> JobId 3 was the full backup I started manually, ids 4, 5 and 6 were
> run on the same day, 7, 8 and 9 the next day.
> > Unfortunately, the output end of line caracters were either removed or
> > lost. This resulted in very long lines that were apparently truncated on
> > your end, and so I could not see exactly what was going on as the end of
> > each job report is missing.  However, with what I see, it seems to me
> > that
> That is because I prefer to use syslog. Those long lines are just standard
> completion notifications; I can't see anything unusual. I've appended them
> anyway; please note the respective dates.
> > despite the message that says that the jobs were canceled (apparently at
> > the correct time), I see no evidence that they were actually canceled.
> The log says e.g.:
> Mar 28 17:34:22 mail bacula-dir: mail-dir: full.2006-03-27_17.30.00 Fatal
> error: Job canceled because max start delay time exceeded.
> What more should there be? And that cancellation should have been at
> 15:30:00.
> MfG, Ulrich

Best regards,



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