On Wednesday 29 March 2006 20:53, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > I think the jobs "full.2006-03-27_17.30.00",
> > "catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01" and "closing.2006-03-27_17.30.02" should
> > all have been cancelled on the 28th, 15:30 (17:30 + timeout of 22 hours).
> >
> > MfG, Ulrich
> In looking at the output, I see no evidence that the messages are out of
> order or intermingled as I understood you were saying.

It is possible that I just don't understand the docs. But if a job is
scheduled for 17:30 and has a max start delay of 22 hours, shouldn't it
be cancelled at 15:30 the next day?
Scheduling and running of jobs is not logged, so the log is not as clear
as it could be. But e.g. the job "catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01" was
not cancelled on 2006-03-28 15.30.01, but instead on 2006-03-28 at
19.16.06, /after/ another job, "full.2006-03-28_17.30.00" was completed,
although that job was scheduled a whole day later.

The mails are sent in the same order: success of full.2006-03-28_17.30.00,
failure of catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01, success of catalog.2006-03-28_17.30.01
The "status director" command does show the same order:
Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name
     3  Full    803,049 172,003,756,473 OK       28-Mar-06 17:34 full
     4  Incr          0              0 Error    28-Mar-06 17:34 full
     7  Incr      9,788  5,295,056,880 OK       28-Mar-06 19:16 full
     5  Full          0              0 Error    28-Mar-06 19:16 catalog
     8  Full          1    101,405,753 OK       28-Mar-06 19:18 catalog
     6                0              0 Error    28-Mar-06 19:18 closing
     9                0              0 OK       28-Mar-06 19:19 closing

JobId 3 was the full backup I started manually, ids 4, 5 and 6 were
run on the same day, 7, 8 and 9 the next day.

> Unfortunately, the output end of line caracters were either removed or
> lost. This resulted in very long lines that were apparently truncated on
> your end, and so I could not see exactly what was going on as the end of
> each job report is missing.  However, with what I see, it seems to me that

That is because I prefer to use syslog. Those long lines are just standard
completion notifications; I can't see anything unusual. I've appended them
anyway; please note the respective dates.

> despite the message that says that the jobs were canceled (apparently at
> the correct time), I see no evidence that they were actually canceled.

The log says e.g.:
Mar 28 17:34:22 mail bacula-dir: mail-dir: full.2006-03-27_17.30.00 Fatal 
error: Job canceled because max start delay time exceeded. 

What more should there be? And that cancellation should have been at 15:30:00.
MfG, Ulrich

Heinz Ulrich Stille / Tel.: +49-541-9400473 / Fax: +49-541-9400450
design_d gmbh / Wilhelmstr. 16 / 49076 Osnabrück / www.design-d.de
--- Begin Message ---
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01 Fatal error: Job canceled 
because max start delay time exceeded.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing FULL 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
27-Mar 11:47 mail-dir: Start Backup JobId 3, Job=full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
27-Mar 11:47 mail-sd: full.2006-03-27_11.47.02 Warning: Director wanted Volume 
    Current Volume "Mo" not acceptable because:
    1998 Volume "Mo" status is Append, not in Pool.
27-Mar 11:47 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w02" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
27-Mar 11:59 mail-dir: Recycled current volume "w01"
27-Mar 11:59 mail-sd: Recycled volume "w01" on device "DLT" (/dev/nst0), all 
previous data lost.
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /dev
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /sysfs
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /proc
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /var
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /export
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /sys
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into 
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into 
27-Mar 15:59 mail-sd: End of Volume "w01" at 46:10244 on device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.
27-Mar 16:00 mail-sd: Re-read of last block succeeded.
27-Mar 16:00 mail-sd: End of medium on Volume "w01" Bytes=46,657,914,977 
Blocks=723,244 at 27-Mar-2006 16:00.
27-Mar 16:00 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w02" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
27-Mar 16:01 mail-sd: full.2006-03-27_11.47.02 Warning: Director wanted Volume 
    Current Volume "w01" not acceptable because:
    1998 Volume "w01" status is Full, but should be Append, Purged or Recycle.
27-Mar 16:26 mail-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "w02" on device "DLT" 
27-Mar 16:26 mail-sd: New volume "w02" mounted on device "DLT" (/dev/nst0) at 
27-Mar-2006 16:26.
27-Mar 20:11 mail-sd: End of Volume "w02" at 45:433 on device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.
27-Mar 20:13 mail-sd: Re-read of last block succeeded.
27-Mar 20:13 mail-sd: End of medium on Volume "w02" Bytes=45,025,052,675 
Blocks=697,933 at 27-Mar-2006 20:13.
27-Mar 20:13 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w03" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
27-Mar 20:14 mail-sd: full.2006-03-27_11.47.02 Warning: Director wanted Volume 
    Current Volume "w02" not acceptable because:
    1998 Volume "w02" status is Full, but should be Append, Purged or Recycle.
27-Mar 21:09 mail-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "w03" on device "DLT" 
27-Mar 21:09 mail-sd: New volume "w03" mounted on device "DLT" (/dev/nst0) at 
27-Mar-2006 21:09.
28-Mar 00:25 mail-sd: End of Volume "w03" at 44:10286 on device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.
28-Mar 00:26 mail-sd: Re-read of last block succeeded.
28-Mar 00:26 mail-sd: End of medium on Volume "w03" Bytes=44,660,753,565 
Blocks=692,286 at 28-Mar-2006 00:26.
28-Mar 00:26 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w04" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
28-Mar 00:27 mail-sd: full.2006-03-27_11.47.02 Warning: Director wanted Volume 
    Current Volume "w03" not acceptable because:
    1998 Volume "w03" status is Full, but should be Append, Purged or Recycle.
28-Mar 01:31 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w04" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
28-Mar 03:42 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w04" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
28-Mar 08:04 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "w04" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
28-Mar 08:21 mail-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "w04" on device "DLT" 
28-Mar 08:21 mail-sd: New volume "w04" mounted on device "DLT" (/dev/nst0) at 
28-Mar-2006 08:21.
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: Bacula 1.38.5 (18Jan06): 28-Mar-2006 17:34:15
  JobId:                  3
  Job:                    full.2006-03-27_11.47.02
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "mail-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,(Rawhide)
  FileSet:                "full" 2006-03-26 00:53:58
  Pool:                   "Weekly"
  Storage:                "Tape"
  Scheduled time:         27-Mar-2006 11:46:40
  Start time:             27-Mar-2006 11:47:04
  End time:               28-Mar-2006 17:34:15
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       803,049
  SD Files Written:       803,049
  FD Bytes Written:       172,003,756,473
  SD Bytes Written:       172,116,756,062
  Rate:                   1604.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         w01|w02|w03|w04
  Volume Session Id:      3
  Volume Session Time:    1143310217
  Last Volume Bytes:      35,923,416,643
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: Begin pruning Files.
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: No Files found to prune.
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: End auto prune.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: full.2006-03-27_17.30.00 Fatal error: Job canceled 
because max start delay time exceeded.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
28-Mar 17:34 mail-dir: Start Backup JobId 7, Job=full.2006-03-28_17.30.00
28-Mar 17:34 mail-sd: full.2006-03-28_17.30.00 Warning: Director wanted Volume 
    Current Volume "w04" not acceptable because:
    1998 Volume "w04" status is Append, not in Pool.
28-Mar 17:34 mail-sd: Please mount Volume "Mo" on Storage Device "DLT" 
(/dev/nst0) for Job full.2006-03-28_17.30.00
28-Mar 18:32 mail-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "Mo" on device "DLT" 
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /dev
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /sysfs
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /proc
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /var
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /export
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /sys
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into 
mail-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into 
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: Bacula 1.38.5 (18Jan06): 28-Mar-2006 19:16:02
  JobId:                  7
  Job:                    full.2006-03-28_17.30.00
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2006-03-27 11:47:04
  Client:                 "mail-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,(Rawhide)
  FileSet:                "full" 2006-03-26 00:53:58
  Pool:                   "Daily"
  Storage:                "Tape"
  Scheduled time:         28-Mar-2006 17:30:00
  Start time:             28-Mar-2006 17:34:25
  End time:               28-Mar-2006 19:16:02
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       9,788
  SD Files Written:       9,788
  FD Bytes Written:       5,295,056,880
  SD Bytes Written:       5,296,341,639
  Rate:                   868.5 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         Mo
  Volume Session Id:      4
  Volume Session Time:    1143310217
  Last Volume Bytes:      5,300,566,960
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: Begin pruning Files.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: No Files found to prune.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: End auto prune.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing FULL 
28-Mar 19:16 mail-dir: Start Backup JobId 8, Job=catalog.2006-03-28_17.30.01
28-Mar 19:16 mail-sd: Volume "Mo" previously written, moving to end of data.
28-Mar 19:17 mail-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "Mo" at file=6.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Bacula 1.38.5 (18Jan06): 28-Mar-2006 19:18:45
  JobId:                  8
  Job:                    catalog.2006-03-28_17.30.01
  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
  Client:                 "mail-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,(Rawhide)
  FileSet:                "Catalog" 2006-03-28 19:16:06
  Pool:                   "Daily"
  Storage:                "Tape"
  Scheduled time:         28-Mar-2006 17:30:00
  Start time:             28-Mar-2006 19:16:10
  End time:               28-Mar-2006 19:18:45
  Priority:               50
  FD Files Written:       1
  SD Files Written:       1
  FD Bytes Written:       101,405,753
  SD Bytes Written:       101,405,868
  Rate:                   654.2 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         Mo
  Volume Session Id:      5
  Volume Session Time:    1143310217
  Last Volume Bytes:      5,402,048,422
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Begin pruning Files.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: No Files found to prune.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: End auto prune.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: closing.2006-03-27_17.30.02 Fatal error: Job canceled 
because max start delay time exceeded.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Start Admin JobId 9, Job=closing.2006-03-28_17.30.02
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Bacula 1.38.5 (18Jan06): 28-Mar-2006 19:18
  JobId:                  9
  Job:                    closing.2006-03-28_17.30.02
  Start time:             28-Mar-2006 19:18
  End time:               28-Mar-2006 19:18
  Termination:            Admin OK

28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: Begin pruning Files.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: No Files found to prune.
28-Mar 19:18 mail-dir: End auto prune.

--- End Message ---

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