On Wednesday 29 March 2006 20:12, Heinz Ulrich Stille wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 March 2006 16:25, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > What I would like to see is: the output showing how job messages are
> > intermixed. I don't need the whole log, but if you clip stuff out here
> > and there, it won't help me understand the problem.
> OK, I've attached my director conf and the messages from syslog. What the
> log doesn't show (and I tried to describe) is that the jobs that later got
> cancelled were scheduled and run at the appropriate time (at 17:30), but
> had to wait because the job I started at Mar 27, 11:47 (first log line)
> still was running.
> I think the jobs "full.2006-03-27_17.30.00", "catalog.2006-03-27_17.30.01"
> and "closing.2006-03-27_17.30.02" should all have been cancelled on the
> 28th, 15:30 (17:30 + timeout of 22 hours).
> MfG, Ulrich

In looking at the output, I see no evidence that the messages are out of order 
or intermingled as I understood you were saying.

Unfortunately, the output end of line caracters were either removed or lost. 
This resulted in very long lines that were apparently truncated on your end, 
and so I could not see exactly what was going on as the end of each job 
report is missing.  However, with what I see, it seems to me that despite the 
message that says that the jobs were canceled (apparently at the correct 
time), I see no evidence that they were actually canceled.  That is either a 
bug or because the code is unimplemented -- I seem to recall that either Max 
Start Time or Max Run Time was not fully implemented.

Best regards,



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