I gave some of my users the possibility to include directories, I
never tried excluding but I would think it is the same thing.
My bacula-dir.conf includes:

        File = \<c:/bacula/bin/includelist.txt

if you used an Exclude{ instead of an Include{ wouldn't that work?

Thank You
Sim Zacks
IT Manager
04-829-0145 - Office
04-832-5251 - Fax



On 2/5/2006 3:37 PM, Jens Böttge wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm searching for a possibility to define an exclusion on the client side.
> The consultation of the outstanding documentation unfortunately brought 
> no explanation. I hope, I surveyed nothing.

Unfortunately, you didn't overlook anything.

> Background: many of our users have temporary or unimportant datas in 
> their directory, it not "worth" to be backed up to tape. The decision 
> over this is with the user.
> O.K., I know I can create a file list for the backup by a script, but it 
> would be much easier to delegate this to bacula. ;-)

That's not possible without using special commands, like the scripts you 

> The idea is to place a file (e.g. .nobackup) into the directory which is 
> to be excluded.

Bacula doesn't support this, which I think is the right decision - most 
setups rely on a centrally managed backup scheme, because you simply 
can't trust your users to do things right :-)

Anyway, I see a solution, also having the positive side-effect of 
educationg your users.

Basically, tell your users that they can use only a limited amount of 
space. Quota are a good solution to that.

If you also have users who need lots of disk space for their work, and 
who don't think it needs to be backed up, tell them to use the /temp 

If you or your users want to keep their data in the home directories, 
even if it's temporary data only, have them create a directore 
~/nobackup/ which you can exclude from your filesets.

To enforce that, you might even consider monitoring each users backup 
space and announce to stop doing backups if it regularly exceeds a 
reasonable size.

If all of this doesn't work, your users should really consider 
rethinking their storage needs and the way they decide where to store 
and what to keep ;-)

Erm, once again the short answer: Bacula can't do that, but feel free to 
implement such an option :-)


> Best regards,
> Jens Boettge
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