Sim Zacks wrote:
> I gave some of my users the possibility to include directories, I
> never tried excluding but I would think it is the same thing.
> My bacula-dir.conf includes:
> Include{
>         Options{
>                 ...
>                 }
>         File = \<c:/bacula/bin/includelist.txt
> }
> if you used an Exclude{ instead of an Include{ wouldn't that work?
In this style I have to try this for the exclude:
        File = "< /home/*/.excludelist"

I think the following solution would be a little bit better:
        File = "| sh -c 'find /home -type f -name .nobackup -exec dirname {} \; 

But this works only for the Linux/Unix systems. (I did not test it yet.)

...and Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Unfortunately, you didn't overlook anything.

> Bacula doesn't support this, which I think is the right decision - most 
> setups rely on a centrally managed backup scheme, because you simply 
> can't trust your users to do things right :-)

Hmm... if the .nobackup (or any other "magic") file does not exist
everything will be backed up. There are some (a few) users, which know
what they are doing. If someone is thinking, he can live without it,
then it is its problem.

> Anyway, I see a solution, also having the positive side-effect of 
> educationg your users.

That's in some cases hopeless. :-)

> Basically, tell your users that they can use only a limited amount of 
> space. Quota are a good solution to that.

We are already using quotas. But if a coworker is telling us that he
needs more disk space, he will get more space.
However, we are asking him if he really needs additional space, but we
do not check this.

> If you also have users who need lots of disk space for their work, and 
> who don't think it needs to be backed up, tell them to use the /temp 
> directory.
> If you or your users want to keep their data in the home directories, 
> even if it's temporary data only, have them create a directore 
> ~/nobackup/ which you can exclude from your filesets.

This requires some kind of discipline on the part of the users. I think,
you already know the answer. ;-)

> Erm, once again the short answer: Bacula can't do that, but feel free to 
> implement such an option :-)

If I only had time...

Best regards,
Jens Boettge

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