On Mon, 14 Oct 2019 at 22:16, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > A1. Appendix 1: Graphs > A2. Appendix 2: Other attachments
> > A.3 Appendix 3: Code
> I really appreciate these appendices and submit that the Agoran public
> take them into account while considering which degree to give the H.
> Jason Cobb.
> --
> Trigon

To get a sense of what sort of thesis merits each kind of degree, is
there any practical way to put together an archive of past theses? The
"Blob's Thesis Archive" link on agoranomic.org has been a broken link
since the first time I tried it.

The Herald's monthly report lists degree-holders, so in theory that
could be a starting point for searching the archives, but it would be
a fair bit of work.

- Falsifian

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