On 10/15/2019 10:51 AM, Reuben Staley wrote:
> On 10/14/19 11:01 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> But are the dependencies you've identified truly circular?  Many rules have
>> multiple independent clauses that could very well be separated into smaller
>> rules.  If the "circularity" is created by a link to two entirely separate
>> clauses within a rule, that could easily be separated without any change of
>> function, is it really a circular reference to be concerned about?
> In the dependency cycle [869, 2141, 1051, 1006],
> rule 869 uses the definition of rule from 2141,
> rule 2141 uses the definition of Rulekeepor from 1051,
> rule 1051 uses the definition of Office from 1006, and
> rule 1006 uses the definition of person from 2141.
> In three of these cases, the dependency lies not in the definition of what
> is being referenced, but in phrases outside of the definition itself. For
> me, it helped to model these as header files.
> 869.h
> ~~~~~~~
>    #include "2141.h"
>    ...
>    struct person; // doesn't reference rules here
> ~~~~~~~
> 2141.h
> ~~~~~~~
>    #include "1051.h"
>    ...
>    struct rule; // doesn't reference rulekeepor here
> ~~~~~~~
> 1051.h
> ~~~~~~~
>    #include "1006.h"
>    ...
>    struct office rulekeepor;
> ~~~~~~~
> 1006.h
> ~~~~~~~
>    #include "869.h"
>    ...
>    struct office; // doesn't reference persons here
> ~~~~~~~
> In this case, it's obvious that these dependencies are circular. If we do as
> G. suggests and separate the definition of an entity completely from what we
> can do with that entity, perhaps by moving the last three paragraphs of rule
> 2141 to a new rule called "Tracking the Ruleset" most of the dependency
> cycles should go away. This may give rise to new dependency cycles, but I
> doubt the new situation could possibly be worse. 2141 depending on 1051 is
> the cause of well over half of our current dependency cycles.

This was an interesting loop to look at.  I wonder how much of this is
due to rule consolidation?  After all, no one sets out to write loops.
For example, Person used to have a standalone Rule (R2150) devoted
entirely to defining a Person (this was when we allowed
corporate/contract personhood so we defined different types of
persons, which made for a more complicated definition).  Then it was
added to R869 during a rules consolidation - where a subject was
originally complicated (e.g. corporate personhood), then we remove the
complicated bits (we decided to outlaw corporate personhood) and are
left with a single sentence or two containing the basic concept of a
natural person based on common definitions.  But then thinking "this
is too short to be in its own rule" we stick the text in a different
rule that's somehow related (R869) - but the resulting rule ends up as
an amalgam of different concepts, which increases looping.  So a
question (just as an example) - is the ruleset "better" if the first
paragraph of R869 is a standalone rule defining a basic concept "a
person is an X" where X is entirely common definitions with no ruleset
references?  (It can't be completely referent-free because we need a
"rules to the contrary notwithstanding" in there, but does it improve
things?)  Cases like this are definitely worth considering for
breakout IMO.


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