On Tuesday, October 15, 2019 2:02 PM, Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/15/19 6:53 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
> > Further philosophising: if all the rules_were_  combined into one rule, 
> > would
> > there be any meaningful semantic difference from the current "ruleset"? Or 
> > would
> > Agora cease to exist as we know it and be replaced by something even more 
> > bizarre
> > and inexplicable? And would we know if this had already happened?
> If you're referring to actually merging everything into a single rule,
> then that would be many rule-changes governed by R105, so it really
> couldn't happen without someone knowing.

Ah, you're not thinking far enough outside the box! What if the Unified Rule 
legislated for the Rulekeepor to track "sub-rules" individually and refer to 
them as "Rules" in their own right? It could have happened sometime pre-2002 
and therefore not show up in the modern agora-business archives. Agora as we 
know it today could just be a subgame of an ancient proto-nomic, with no way 
for us to tell from the inside!

Not that I think this is actually likely, it was mostly just an excuse for a 
Hitchhiker's reference.


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