I vote as follows and act on Halian's behalf to make em vote to endorse R.
8188A G. 3.0 Blanket Denial
8189A Jason Cobb 1.7 Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.2)
8190A G., D Margaux 2.0 Report Rewards
8191A R. Lee 1.1 Spaceships
8192A G. 1.0 auctions have fees
8195A Aris, omd, Jason Cobb 3.0 Timeline Control Ordnance v2
8202 Jason Cobb 1.7 Police Power
8203 Jason Cobb 2.0 Fixing Summary Judgement
8204 R. Lee 1.0 SMH @ Herald
8205 R. Lee 1.7 Timing proposal w/ no effect
8206 Jason Cobb 2.0 Rule 2472 Simplification
8207 G. [1] no power is all powerful
8208 Jason Cobb, [2] 3.0 Regulated actions reform (v2)
8209 D Margaux, [3] 2.0 AFK Reform Act v1.1
FOR, hope this passes, it would be 10/10
8210 Jason Cobb 2.5 Single-party Contracts
8211 G. 3.0 Law School
8212 Jason Cobb 3.0 Rule Recreation Reversal
8213 nch 1.0 Space Fixes
8214 nch 1.0 Space Isn't Linear
FOR, I love this
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 8:41 PM D. Margaux <dmargaux...@gmail.com> wrote:
Votes are below.
Sorry if someone already raised this specifically, but CoE on the
distribution: If 8207 is a proposal at all, then it does have an AI per
Rule 1950: "Adoption index (AI) is an untracked switch possessed by
decisions and proposals. ... Adoption index is an essential parameter of
an Agoran decision if that decision has an adoption index."
In the votes below, "FOR UNLESS" is a shorthand for "conditional vote
unless a line item veto has been exercised for this proposal, in which
I vote as follows:
On Jul 15, 2019, at 8:32 PM, Aris Merchant <
thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 7, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).
ID Author(s) AI Title
8188A G. 3.0 Blanket Denial
8189A Jason Cobb 1.7 Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.2)
8190A G., D Margaux 2.0 Report Rewards
8191A R. Lee 1.1 Spaceships
8192A G. 1.0 auctions have fees
8195A Aris, omd, Jason Cobb 3.0 Timeline Control Ordnance v2
8202 Jason Cobb 1.7 Police Power
8203 Jason Cobb 2.0 Fixing Summary Judgement
8204 R. Lee 1.0 SMH @ Herald
8205 R. Lee 1.7 Timing proposal w/ no effect
8206 Jason Cobb 2.0 Rule 2472 Simplification
If I recall correctly, per a CFJ that defeated a scam I ran, the wording
here matters because the Speaker CAN delay a "with Notice" action by
objecting, but e CANNOT delay an action that doesn't use the Agoran
Satisfaction method.
8207 G. [1] no power is all powerful
8208 Jason Cobb, [2] 3.0 Regulated actions reform (v2)
I'm sure this is an excellent proposal, but it's 6:30 am my local time,
and I'm too sleepy to read it carefully enough to feel comfortable voting
on it.
8209 D Margaux, [3] 2.0 AFK Reform Act v1.1
8210 Jason Cobb 2.5 Single-party Contracts
I think this could actually be a fun new mechanic.
8211 G. 3.0 Law School
8212 Jason Cobb 3.0 Rule Recreation Reversal
Havent been following the background on this proposal.
8213 nch 1.0 Space Fixes
8214 nch 1.0 Space Isn't Linear
ID: 8188
Title: Blanket Denial
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.
Amend Rule 2201 (Self-Ratification) by replacing:
do one of the following in a timely fashion:
do one of the following in a timely fashion, in an announcement
that clearly cites the claim of error:
ID: 8189
Title: Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.2)
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: Jason Cobb
Amend Rule 2479 ("Official Justice") as follows:
Replace the text
The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by levying a fine
of up to 2 blots on em. Summary Judgement is imposed on the
Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any official
with the text
Subject to the provisions of this rule, the Referee CAN, by
impose Summary Judgment on a player. When e does so, e levies a fine
up to 2 Blots on em. If e does not specify the number of Blots in the
the attempt to impose Summary Judgment is INEFFECTIVE. Summary
Judgement is
imposed on the Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any
official proceeding.
ID: 8190
Title: Report Rewards
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.
Co-authors: D Margaux
Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by prepending the following text to the 1st
An Office is a position described as an Office by the Rules.
Amend Rule 2496 (Rewards) by replacing:
* Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 coins. For each office,
this reward can only be claimed for the first weekly report
published in a week and the first monthly report published in a
* Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report, provided that
publication was the first report published for that office in
the relevant time period (week or month respectively) to fulfill
an official weekly or monthly duty: 5 coins.
ID: 8191
Title: Spaceships
Adoption index: 1.1
Author: R. Lee
Create a spaceship in the possession of each player without a
ID: 8192
Title: auctions have fees
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.
[The payment rule for auctions just says that if you happen to have an
auction debt, if you pay Agora under any circumstances, it triggers
stuff. This means, if someone happens to have two auction debts, they
can make one payment and it would count for both. This brings things
into line.]
Amend Rule 2551 (Auction End) by replacing:
The winner of a lot SHALL pay the Auctioneer the number of the
Auction's currency equal to eir bid, in a single payment, in a
timely fashion.
The winner of the lot SHALL, in a timely fashion, pay a fee (the
number of the Auction's currency equal to eir bid) to the
Auctioneer in order to satisfy eir auction debt.
[This makes "satisfying eir auction debt" a fee-based action governed
under R2579, which didn't exist when the auction rules were written.
R2579 then takes care of the various CANs and method details. The
transfer of the lots is then a consequence of "satisfying eir auction
ID: 8195
Title: Timeline Control Ordnance v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Enact a new power 3.1 Rule, entitled "Timelines", with the following
A timeline is a temporal sequence of events and states.
The Objective Timeline is the timeline of matters as they actually
On the Objective Timeline, the consequences of an event are determined
based on the conditions actually in effect, under Agoran law, when
occurred. The Objective Timeline is not part of the gamestate;
is the recording of events on reality itself, and changing it
without actual time travel is thus IMPOSSIBLE, rules to the contrary
The Standard Timeline is the timeline used for the purposes of
gameplay. By default, the Standard Timeline is defined by events and
consequences in the same way that the Objective Timeline is. However,
the Standard Timeline is part of the gamestate. Accordingly, it can be
modified retroactively; such retroactive modifications are secured
at power 3.
Attempted retroactive changes are to be interpreted as attempts to
change the
Standard Timeline. All changes are to be interpreted as prospective
they are explicitly retroactive.
By default, any entity with a power less than the power of this rule
refers to the past, present, or future is to be interpreted as
referring to
the Standard Timeline; however, entities may explicitly reference
different timelines.
Amend Rule 1551, "Ratification" by changing the text "the gamestate is
to read "the gamestate is retroactively modified".
Amend Rule 591, "Delivering Judgements", by changing the text
"The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
the facts and legal situation at the time the inquiry case was
initiated, not taking into account any events since that time:"
to read
"The judgement of an inquiry case should be based on the facts and
situation as they objectively existed at the time the inquiry case was
initiated, not taking into account any events or retroactive
since that time.
The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows:"
ID: 8202
Title: Police Power
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: Jason Cobb
In Rule 2557, replace the first paragraph with:
When the rules authorize an investigator to impose the Cold Hand
of Justice for a violation, e CAN do so by levying a fine of B on
the perp by announcement, within the following guidelines:
and add a new list item at the start of the list (that is, right after
the first paragraph), with the text:
- B is at least 1 and at most twice the base value of the
Retitle Rule 2557 to "Sentencing Guidelines".
[Comment: Rule 2557 is currently titled "Removing Blots". When I tried
to understand why, I noticed that the 2018-04-07 SLR lists two Rule
2557s, one of which actually is about removing blots, and the other of
which is titled "Sentencing Guidelines". The next SLR I could find is
published much later, 2018-10-14, and has R2557 in or close to its
current form. I don't know exactly what happened there.]
ID: 8203
Title: Fixing Summary Judgement
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason Cobb
Amend Rule 2531 ("Referee Accountability") as follows:
After list item (1) insert the following phrase: "Any attempt to
levy a fine pursuant to the imposition of the Cold Hand of Justice
Renumber list items (2) - (8) to be items (1) - (7) in the new list.
ID: 8204
Title: SMH @ Herald
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: R. Lee
1. Halve (rounding towards 0) the Karma of every Unregistered person.
2. Set the Karma of Agora such that the sum of all Karma switch
instance values in the game is equal to 0.
ID: 8205
Title: Timing proposal w/ no effect
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: R. Lee
R. Lee pledges to timely transfer half of the money e gains from the
adoption of this proposal to the last person to vote FOR this proposal.
ID: 8206
Title: Rule 2472 Simplification
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason Cobb
[Comment: use "with Notice" instead of writing it out.]
Replace the last paragraph of Rule 2472 ("Office Incompatibilities")
with the following paragraph:
If a player is Overpowered, any player CAN, with Notice, Demand
Resignation from em. When this occurs, each office that the
Overpowered player holds becomes vacant.
ID: 8207
Title: no power is all powerful
Adoption index: none
Author: G.
Create the following Rule, "Supreme Power", Power=4:
G. CAN make arbitrary changes to the gamestate by announcement.
ID: 8208
Title: Regulated actions reform (v2)
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb
Co-authors: Aris, omd, G., Falsifian
[Comment: see proto thread for changes and rationales.]
Amend Rule 2493 ("Regulations") as follows:
Append the following text to the first paragraph: "Regulations are
Amend Rule 1742 ("Contracts") as follows:
Append the following sentence to the first paragraph: "Contracts are
Amend Rule 2125 ("Regulated Actions") to read:
An entity is binding if and only if the Rules designate it as such.
The Rules as a whole is an entity that is binding; this entity is
known as the ruleset.
An action is regulated by a binding entity if: (1) the entity
directly and explicitly defines, limits, allows, enables, permits,
forbids, or requires its performance; (2) the entity describes the
circumstances under which the action would succeed or fail; or (3)
the action would, as part of its effect, modify information for
which the entity requires some player to be a "recordkeepor".
When a binding entity explicitly defines an action, describes the
possibility of performing an action, or describes the methods by
which an action can be performed, it creates an action that is
distinct from all other actions; the binding entity is said to "own"
this created action. A binding entity CAN only state that it
requires or forbids an action that it does not own; it CANNOT modify
any other properties of the action.
An action that is owned by a binding entity CAN only be performed as
described by the entity, and only using the methods explicitly
specified in the entity for performing the given action.
Interpretations that result in the entity directly proscribing
actions that are not regulated by it are invalid.
Retitle Rule 2125 to "Binding Entities".
Set the power of Rule 2125 to 3.1.
ID: 8209
Title: AFK Reform Act v1.1
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: D Margaux
Co-authors: G., Jason Cobb
Amend rule 2532 as follows:
Add this sentence:
"A player CAN by announcement pay 10 coins to Agora to flip to emself
another player's master switch without objection from that other
or that other player's master (if any), provided the intent to flip
switch was announced at least 7 days before the switch is flipped."
Immediately following this sentence:
"A zombie's master CAN flip that zombie's master switch to Agora
by announcement."
ID: 8210
Title: Single-party Contracts
Adoption index: 2.5
Author: Jason Cobb
Amend Rule 1742 ("Contracts") by replacing the text "Any group of two
more" with the text "Any group of one or more".
ID: 8211
Title: Law School
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.
In R1367, Insert the following line between the line starting
"- Associate" and the line starting "- Bachelor":
- Juris Doctor of Nomic (J.N.)
In R1367, Insert the following line between the line starting
"- Doctor of Nomic History" and the line starting
"- Doctor of Nomic Science":
- Doctor of Nomic Law (D.N.Law.)
If Falsifian has not been awarded a degree, Award Falsifian the degree
of J.N.
ID: 8212
Title: Rule Recreation Reversal
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb
Repeal Rule 2517.
ID: 8213
Title: Space Fixes
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason Cobb
Amend rule 2591 "Spaceships" by changing:
* Armour (an integer switch limited to values less than or equal to
* Armour (an integer switch limited to values less than or equal to
10, defaulting to 10).
and by appending the following to the end of the rule:
If a player does not have a spaceship in eir possession e CAN, by
announcement, create a spaceship in eir possession.
Flip every spaceships' Armour switch to 10.
ID: 8214
Title: Space Isn't Linear
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nch
Amend rule 2588 "Sectors" by appending, after the final sentence, the
If a sector exists with an ID equivalent to the current month of
the year, and a sector exists with an ID equivalent to the current day
of the month then those sectors are adjacent.
From R. Lee