On Mon, 29 Oct 2018, D. Margaux wrote:
> Basically, if Trigon tried to judge it FALSE, we would have two
> judgements that are mutually inconsistent, that each if valid would
> prevent the other’s judge from issuing the inconsistent judgement,
> and with no way to decide between them.
> Hope this is a clear description of the possible paradox.
Yes, thanks. This isn't a paradox though. The situation is resolved
by calling a new CFJ. There are a few (tiresome but useable) ways
to force - eventually - a single judgement eligible for mooting.
Eventually you're left with a standing consensus judgement that
is applied (that then determines which original judgement stands).
I'm a little frustrated because, when I used Cert last time, I
helped draft a specific proposal that would limit Cert by making
it not work if you were barred, thus making the "tiresome" ways
less tiresome. Anyone remember what happened to that? It was
back in the spring.