On Mon, 2017-06-05 at 15:09 -0700, Aris Merchant wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> > IIRC, the pending system worked rather differently when we invented
> > proposal competitions.
> Yeah. For everyone who doesn't know, we didn't have an economy until December.

The previous "economy" was based on the "superpowerful officers" idea;
the concept was that because we didn't have any economic goods to pay
them in, we'd pay them in political power. Many remnants of this are
still in the rules.

> > Proto: the pender of a proposal and the submitter must be different
> > people. When a proposal is pended, the pender gains some fraction of
> > the pend fee. (In my experience, preventing people from doing something
> > for themselves has been the most reliable way of getting people to do
> > it for each other.)
> I like this idea. Do you mean the submitter gets part of the pend fee?

Err, yes, the submitter. (This is why you proto things :-P)

> Also, this would be a great time to bring back some free pends for the
> Promotor, as an emergency measure and/or a public service.

I like that idea. Many office perks are still in place, after all; the
Promotor's got removed (probably accidentally) when Shinies were invent
ed, and I can't see a good reason not to bring it back.


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