On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 2:48 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> Aaaaand ... the issues begin, too.  NOT ANY CFJs:  I want to see if
> we can resolve these with discussion without mucking up the competition.
> 1.  From R2431: "During the Agoran Week following the initiation of a
> Proposal Competition"...
> Does "the Agoran week following the initiation" mean this week, next
> week, or 7 days from initiation?  Given that (from R1023):
>            Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday.
>      BUT (also from R1023):
>            These definitions do not apply to relative durations (e.g.
>            "within <number> days after <event>").
> If it just said "week", it would clearly be the relative duration one,
> but Agoran Week?  "Agoran week following" seems like an internal
> contradiction referring to both parts of R1023.
> 2.  "any player CAN specify that a Proposal e submits is
>        a Competition Proposal for that Competition."
> Does the Proposal itself need not be submitted during the competition
> time... Can a player specify an old proposal?
> 3.  "The Promotor SHALL distribute all Competition Proposals for a
>       given Competition in the same message."
> These still need to pay pend fees, right?  If not, the Promotor will be
> breaking R1607 (which overrules the above).  The way it reads, if
> there are a mix of pending and not-pending proposals in the competition,
> the Promotor has to hold onto all of them (e SHALL NOT distribute the
> not-pending ones due to R1607, but e SHALL NOT distribute the pending
> ones because they have to be distributed with the non-pending ones).
> Which means e's stuck every which way, because if e doesn't distribute
> the pending ones in a timely manner, e's broken R1607.
> 4.  Is there any benefit to "winning" a proposal competition?  What
> is "winning" a proposal competition?  Or is this just to distribute
> a bunch of proposals without cost (that doesn't work, due to #3, above.

I thought the whole point of a proposal competition was to distribute a
bunch of proposals without paying for them.  Proposal competitions are
apparently useless - darn.

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