I like the second ribbon change, but believe Red should be left as is
because it can be hard to craft a well-written fix.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Proposal: "Trivia(l)" AI = 3
> {{{
>   Create a new rule entitled `Trivial Proposals` Power=1.1 with the
> following text
>   {{{
>       Some proposals have minimal consequences, and thus should cost a
>       minimal amount to pend, these proposals are known as Trivial
> Proposals.
>       A player may pend a Trivial Proposal without Objection, by paying 1
> Shiny to Agora.
>       If an Objection occurs, this 1 paid Shiny may be used to as a
> partial payment towards
>       the cost of pending the proposal.
>   }}}
>   Update rule 2438
>   Replacing the paragraphs
>   {{{
>       Red (R): When a proposal is adopted and changes at least one
>       rule with Power >= 3, its proposer earns a Red Ribbon.
>       Orange (O): When a proposal is adopted via an Agoran Decision on
>       which no valid votes were AGAINST, its proposer earns an Orange
>       Ribbon.
>   }}}
>   with
>   {{{
>       Red (R): When a non-trivial proposal is adopted and changes at least
> one
>       rule with Power >= 3, its proposer earns a Red Ribbon.
>       Orange (O): When a non-trivial proposal is adopted via an Agoran
> Decision on
>       which no valid votes were AGAINST, its proposer earns an Orange
>       Ribbon.
>   }}}
> }}}
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 11:45 AM Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ah-ha!  Thank you for the switch free wording.
>> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 11:31 AM Aris Merchant <thoughtsoflifeandlight17@
>> gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Proposal: "Trivia(l)" AI = 1.1
>>> > {{{
>>> >   Create a new rule entitled `Trivial Proposals` Power=1.1 with the
>>> > following text
>>> >   {{{
>>> >       Complexity is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
>>> > proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "trivial" or
>>> > "standard" (default).
>>> >
>>> >       When a player creates a proposal, they may flip its Complexity to
>>> > "trivial" without objection.
>>> >
>>> >       If a player submits a "Trivial Proposal" that is synonymous with
>>> > submitting a proposal, and attempting to flip it's complexity to
>>> "trivial"
>>> >
>>> >       A proposal with a Complexity of "trivial" may have its Imminence
>>> > flipped to "pending" by paying agora 1 Shiny.
>>> >   }}}
>>> > }}}
>>> >
>>> > Is the 'Trivial Proposal' concept what you're talking about?
>>> I'm suggesting that you should make it something like "a player may
>>> pend a proposal as trivial without objection, by paying 1 Shiny to
>>> Agora". I don't like having an extra switch sitting around that I have
>>> to keep track of, especially if it was required to be on my report.
>>> Doing it without a switch really simplifies the record keeping.
>>> -Aris

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