Proto: Trivial Proposals

Create a new rule entitled Trival Proposals AI=1.1 with the following text
    Complexity is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by proposals
in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "trivial" or "standard"

    When a player creates a proposal, they may flip its Complexity to
"trivial" without objection.

    A proposal with a Complexity of "trivial" may have its Imminence
flipped to "pending" by paying agora 1 Shiny.

Proposals like the flipping of Director to Head in relation to Agencies,
and a few other small bits and pieces i've noticed lately while combing the
rules, aren't really worth 4+ shinies to pend as they are making the
ruleset a better place in small increments, and usually in
non-controversial ways.  This concept used to exist in some form, so I'm
aiming to bring it back in the current economy.

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