On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 5:19 PM, nichdel <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We're working on the same parts of the game, so we should compare notes.
> In the summer I proposed that the "Domestic Product" of Agora is its own
> story. A good economy is in tune with this, which leads me to propose
> some principles of a good economy:
> 1. It should reward adding to the story,
> 2. It should punish detracting from the story,
> 3. It should enable interesting behavior, and
> 4. It shouldn't bog Agora down with minutiae.
> The current system is designed to support 1 by paying officeholders.
> There is no support for 2 yet. 3 is already manifesting in the AVM and
> my own attempt at creating an exchange between trust tokens and shines.

Contracts make 3 a ton easier, which is why I'm working on implementing them.

> I like the idea of re-introducing Assets. I would like to see Ribbons
> and Trust Tokens properly defined as transferable assets, and ensure
> that Organizations can hold them as well. The question there: who tracks
> that activity? We either keep the current tracker for Ribbons and
> introduce one for Tokens, and thereby have three different entities
> tracking economic movement. Or we lump it all on the Secretary, making
> it officially the most taxing (week to week) office.

I'm going to have an Assets proposal by the end of the day. Probably
just the one from 2010, maybe with a few tweaks. I'm planning to
change Shinies to be an Asset, and leave the others for latter. I'm a
bit wary to have Ribbons be Assets (though I believe they were in the
past), as they are indented to reward achievements (not wary enough to
try and stop someone else from doing it though).

> As for contracts and court, I had another idea that I think is simpler
> yet effective. Failure to pay an obliged amount (obliged here meaning
> via Agora's rules, an organization's charter, or a pledge) would allow
> the Secretary to put a player on lockout for 30 days, which limits their
> ability to interact with organizations and pledges. If the player later
> paid the amount owed, the Secretary or the party that was originally
> shorted could end the lockout.

> Cards would also feed into this. Receiving a card would give you a
> number of Blotches (based on how severe the card is). When you have
> blotches you are on lockout. You can pay to remove blotches or be
> forgiven by the Referee (or another office, perhaps).
> The unifying idea being that we would punish breakages without complete
> disenfranchisement in a fairly simple way.
The problem with this is that it's too simple. I complexity as
fundamentally interesting. Agora is a place to build all of the overly
 complex structures that people don't want to clutter up real life
with. I like the idea of criminal and equity trials. I also like the
idea of the 2010 contract syststem, with its options for private
contracts and the like. I'd like to see organizations merged into
contracts in the long run. Probably also Agencies. I also want a
contract system that's _actually_ binding, which is why I like
equitable contracts under the old system. If we merge everything (as
I'd like) we can have second-class persons back, although that's too
complex for the short term. The other disadvantage of your system is
that it tends to put force inquiry cases into doing things that they
weren't designed for.

The compromise I'd like, if you (and everyone else) are agreeable, is to:

*Bring back Assets. Make Shinies Assets. Let Orgs possess Assets.
*Bring back Criminal Trials. Merge cards into NoVs. Replace Rests from
the old system with your Blotches.
*Bring back Contracts. Bring back Equity trials.
*Merge Contracts and Orgs. Allow Contracts to do things like
possession of Assets. Also merge Agencies, by allowing contracts to
act on behalf of their parties, and then allow Parties to act on
behalf of Contracts.
*Bring back Second-Class Persons, and Partnerships.

The advantage of merging everything is that one Contract can do many
things. With no offense to the drafters of our present Organizations
system, I believe that contracts were designed to be more versatile
than Orgs. They are designed from the ground up to bind their members
(either forcing them to comply or having penalties, rather than bonds)
and to be able to be kept secret. They could also easy distribute
their obligations, via Partnerships.

The advantage of Criminal and Equity cases is that they are also more
versatile. Criminal cases had 8 judgements (allowing you to see the
resolution of a case solely by its sentence) and 6 penalties (allowing
for the sentence to always fit the crime). Equity could force players
to do the things they'd agreed to do, rather than just punishing them
for not doing in it.

> Either way, I'm calling dibs on an Organization and Lockout rewrite
> because I've already started it. I'd be happy to co-ordinate with you
> if you pick up any other parts of this.

Okay. As I said, I'm aiming to merge them with contracts in the long
run, but that's step 4 on my list... I'm a bit unclear about exactly
what you want to do? Hopefully not make them work as contracts,
because I'd really like to implement the 2010 system. I was trying to
do research for my own proposal, and eventually decided that the old
one was pretty close to perfect.


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