On Tue, 12 Jul 2016, Owen Jacobson wrote: > > 2. Need to think ahead 2-3 weeks to make best moves, "thinking ahead" > > includes looking at other players' positions. > > As near as I can tell, Agora’s rules, as written, require that the only > hidden > state for an Agoran is their state of mind - their unstated intents, beliefs, > and plans.
Which is plenty for thinking ahead in many games. "If e's going to harvest corn next week, I should stock up on wheat." Add to that a small amount of randomness if desired ("mice get into the corn crops on a roll of 1-3") and there really is plenty of room for thinking ahead. But that's not even needed. That being said, I AM thinking about hidden information. IF someone can get a good web-interface going, I'm thinking of simultaneous moves (ala diplomacy) as follows: - All moves are made via web interface. - Web interface confirms ID of player, accepts short text entries. - Text entries are kept hidden and sent to the forum as a batch (once a week maybe). - Actions taken in texts are considered date-stamped/processed at the time of being sent to the forum (i.e. "simultaneously") though in the order they were received by the web interface. -G.