On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 7:04 PM, John Smith <spamba...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I suggest that a Player file a Motion to Reconsider CfJ 3109.  Among other 
> objections, the judgment is inconsistent with the judge's arguments.  All 
> information necessary to render a judgment of TRUE or FALSE is public, and 
> the statement makes precise sense even after determining that the document 
> "Victory Condition of Being Bucky" is not a Victory Condition.
> I feel a judgment of TRUE would be more appropriate.

Preemptive arguments: a document titled "Victory Condition of Being
Bucky" is not necessarily the Victory Condition of Being Bucky, any
more than Tolkien's book titled "The Hobbit" is the The Hobbit.

—the Page of Breath

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