Enact the following rule, Honoring our Troops, power = 1.5: If a judge delivers a finding of TRUE on a question of whether Agora has been involved in a substantial invasion attempt with another nomic (either as invader or invadee), and that the crisis has passed, then the judge CAN and SHOULD, in the text of eir judgement, award the following Patent Titles if appropriate: Agoran Warrior: To any Agoran who played a strong and active role in the war, by at the very least being a member or having a presence in both nomics at some point during the conflict; Modern Major General: To the single Agoran, if any, who was most active in orchestrating the attack and/or defense; Purple Heart: To any Agoran who's position in either nomic was substantially damaged by the course of the war; Agoran Peace Prize: To the single non-Agoran member of the other nomic, if any, who's actions brought about an end to the conflict. If the judgement is rendered open following judgement, the titles are revoked. In eir report of these Patent Titles, the Herald SHOULD indicate the nomics involved in the war, the dates of engagement, and the outcome of the struggle.