On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 15:02, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> Proto:
> Enact the following rule, Honoring our Troops, power = 1.5:
>      If a judge delivers a finding of TRUE on a question of whether
>      Agora has been involved in a substantial invasion attempt with
>      another nomic (either as invader or invadee), and that the
>      crisis has passed, then the judge CAN and SHOULD, in the text
>      of eir judgement, award the following Patent Titles if
>      appropriate:
>      Agoran Warrior:  To any Agoran who played a strong and active
>      role in the war, by at the very least being a member or having
>      a presence in both nomics at some point during the conflict;
>      Modern Major General:  To the single Agoran, if any, who was
>      most active in orchestrating the attack and/or defense;
>      Purple Heart:  To any Agoran who's position in either nomic
>      was substantially damaged by the course of the war;
>      Agoran Peace Prize:  To the single non-Agoran member of the
>      other nomic, if any, who's actions brought about an end to the
>      conflict.
>      If the judgement is rendered open following judgement, the
>      titles are revoked.
>      In eir report of these Patent Titles, the Herald SHOULD indicate
>      the nomics involved in the war, the dates of engagement, and the
>      outcome of the struggle.
> I'd prefer to do the awards by proposal, codifying the purpose of the

We should also bring back the other few notable ones; in particular Bard.


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