On 07/08/2011 01:38 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:
> scshunt wrote:
>> On 07/07/11 17:06, Ed Murphy wrote:
>>>>> 7101 3   Pavitra     Submitting Promises
>>> Given recent proposals, and the past use of "endorse Agora" as shorthand
>>> for something like "if F>A then F else if A>F then A else P", I'm
>>> interpreting this as ineffective due to lack of clarity.
>> Agora is a person. This is, I believe, an attempt to endorse Agora in 
>> its capacity as a person, although Agora is not an eligible voter.
> Rule 2339 is ineffective due to insufficient power.

What? Noninstrument documents can declare themselves intended to be
persons; why would power 1 be insufficient when power 0 is sufficient?

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