Kerim Aydin wrote: > Here we go, simple proto, Urgency, AI-3: > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Amend R107 by replacing: > Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the > voting period for a decision with at least two options cannot be > shorter than seven days. > with: > The voting period for a decision with at least two options is > secured at seven days. > > > Amend R2284 (Fee-based actions) by replacing: > - A player CAN make a proposal Distributable for a charge of 1 > erg. > with: > - A player CAN make a non-urgent proposal Distributable for a > charge of 1 erg. > > - A player CAN make an urgent proposal Distributable for a > charge of 3 ergs. > > > Enact the following rule, Power-3, Urgent Proposals: > > A Proposal is Urgent if all the following conditions are met: > > i) the text of the message wherein it is submitted > explicitly states that it is an Urgent Proposal, > > ii) The Proposal is Interested. > > The Promotor CAN distribute an Urgent Proposal as soon as it > becomes Distributable, and e SHALL do so within five > days unless it becomes undistributable in the mean time. > Failure to do so is the Class 1 Crime of Lack of Urgency, > which may be reported by any Player. > > The Voting Period of an Urgent Proposal is five days from the > time the Proposal is distributed.
Nice. I thought about a "with N support" (or without N objetions) phrase, but this way is much better. If there is anyone who wants to pay a fee to make an Urgent Proposal undistributable. Maybe we should say that undistribute a Urgent Proposal costs only one Erg? Additionally, if you propose this, I‘ll propose a limit of Urgent Proposals. "A player MAY NOT submit a Urgent Proposal, if there are already N (or more) distributable Urgent Proposals in the Proposal pool." What’s a good value for N? Maybe 3? I assume it’s important to put the limit into another Proposal, so both are more likely to pass. -- Keba