On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Keba wrote:
> Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > More from the ancient archives. I think it should come back, it scarcely
> > needs modification to do so (maybe a cost jiggle, and an MMI edit):
> Hm, that sounds nice, but need to be rewritten. "Class 1 Infraction"
> should be Class-1-Crime and Rule 107 states: "Rules to the contrary
> notwithstanding, the voting period for a decision with at least two
> options cannot be shorter than seven days".
Here we go, simple proto, Urgency, AI-3:
Amend R107 by replacing:
Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the
voting period for a decision with at least two options cannot be
shorter than seven days.
The voting period for a decision with at least two options is
secured at seven days.
Amend R2284 (Fee-based actions) by replacing:
- A player CAN make a proposal Distributable for a charge of 1
- A player CAN make a non-urgent proposal Distributable for a
charge of 1 erg.
- A player CAN make an urgent proposal Distributable for a
charge of 3 ergs.
Enact the following rule, Power-3, Urgent Proposals:
A Proposal is Urgent if all the following conditions are met:
i) the text of the message wherein it is submitted
explicitly states that it is an Urgent Proposal,
ii) The Proposal is Interested.
The Promotor CAN distribute an Urgent Proposal as soon as it
becomes Distributable, and e SHALL do so within five
days unless it becomes undistributable in the mean time.
Failure to do so is the Class 1 Crime of Lack of Urgency,
which may be reported by any Player.
The Voting Period of an Urgent Proposal is five days from the
time the Proposal is distributed.