On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Keba wrote:
> comex wrote:
> > [I've complained repeatedly about the length of time currently
> > required to adopt proposals, which can have a significant negative
> > effect on the game.  Since the current proposal volume really isn't
> > all that high (if it were, this would be too chaotic), I think that
> > BlogNomic-style immediate distribution is not only feasible, but a
> > significant improvement over what we have now, and not too much extra
> > work for the Assessor or voters.]
> Just an information for the non BlogNomic players here: BlogNomic is
> rather fast, some players (including IenpwIII and me) say it‘s too fast.
> I voted FOR many propsoals, while I might would have voted against it,
> because of theoretically scams, if I had more time to so so.
> But I would like a way to adopt *really* important Proposals fast. Maybe
> an Agoran decision could be created directly with 4 support and by
> paying 4 ergs?

More from the ancient archives.  I think it should come back, it scarcely
needs modification to do so (maybe a cost jiggle, and an MMI edit):

Rule 1724/8 (Power=1)
Urgent Proposals

       A Proposal is Urgent if all the following conditions are met:

          i) the text of the message wherein it is submitted
             explicitly states that it is an Urgent Proposal,

         ii) The Proposal is Interested.

       An Urgent Proposal has its Distribution Cost increased by 1.

       The Promotor may distribute an Urgent Proposal as soon as it
       becomes Distributable, and e is required to do so within five
       days. Failure to do so is the Class 1 Infraction of Lack of
       Urgency, which may be reported by any Player.

       The Voting Period of an Urgent Proposal is five days from the
       time the Proposal is distributed.


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