comex wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Geoffrey Spear<> wrote:
>> The text report at is pretty
>> much up to date with my recordkeeping.  I have plans to introduce a
>> RESTful interface to the registration data in the near future.
> ITT: redundancy. *sigh*
> Why can't we just have an interface that
> - is open-source (so we know what's going on, and can replicate it to
> another server if the original one goes down),
> - is cross-platform (so I can run it),
> - is easy to change (preferably gives recordkeepors the ability to
> change the portions of the code related to their corner of the game),
> and
> - is versioned (so we don't have to fall back to email records to
> check old gamestate, and can more easily verify it)
> BobTHJ's database is a promising candidate and tracks a large portion
> of the gamestate, but it fails the portability and versioning goals; I
> haven't seen any other script with the potential to track
> "everything".  So I think the best approach is to start fresh.

There is a reason I have intentionally avoided  trying to tie my
database in to anyone else's (say, the Registrar's). Doing so would
leave me reliant on another player's actions - for instance, a
deregistered player leaves all eir offices. I would be unable to publish
an incorrect IADoP report while I waited for the Registrar to ensure
everything was up to date. By tracking these things manually, I avoid
dependency on any other officer for my duties, and thus my errors are
mine and mine only.

(and I consider list-scraping programs to be such a terrible idea that I
do not want to admit the possibility)


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