coppro wrote:

> Roger Hicks wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 14:10, Sean Hunt<> wrote:
>>> I intend, with Support, to publish an NoV alleging that ais523 violated
>>> the 1-power Rule 2143 by failing to report the Recognition switch during
>>> the month of July.
>>> I intend, with 2 Support, to publish an NoV alleging that Murphy
>>> violated the 1-power Rule 2215 by stating that quorum for the decision
>>> to adopt proposal 6414 was 8 when it was either 6 or 7.
>> Even though the rules permit it, I don't think it wise to punish
>> officers for an unintentional oversight, as long as it is corrected
>> quickly and not continuously repeated. Of course, if you think
>> otherwise you should call three NoVs against yourself for errors in
>> Poobah DoG salary payments.
>> BobTHJ
> E previously made a quorum mistake and stated eir program calculates
> quorum at the time of resolution. E made no attempt to fix those errors.

Admitted, but OTOH it isn't a frequent error (most weeks see the same
quorum as the previous week, and most proposals achieve quorum by a
comfortable margin).  That said, I'll see about revamping the system
this weekend for temporal awareness of registration and activity.

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