I've edited out the bits of the proposal I think are unproblematic; here
are comments on the other bits.

On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 12:20 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>       If a card class has a position, there is always exactly one such 
>       instance of the class in existence, and it CANNOT be either 
>       created or destroyed.  If, despite this rule, the instance does 
>       not exist, or a CFJ determines that its possession or existence 
>       cannot be determined by reasonable effort, then that card's  
>       dealer SHALL, as soon as possible, destroy any instance of that 
>       card that might exist and create that card in the possession of 
>       an active player who holds the Patent Title Champion, chosen at 
>       random.
This possibly doesn't do what you think it does; as far as I can tell,
it will give all the prerogatives to the L&FD, until someone can somehow
move them.
>       If a card has a Position, and the holder of the card is a 
>       Player, the holder of that card is considered to be the holder 
>       of that position, and have the powers and duties described by 
>       the Rules for that position.  The powers and duties of such a 
>       position CANNOT be delegated or deputized without transferring 
>       the card, and are only performable/required of the holder of the 
>       card, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
Inability to deputise? For something that is a SHALL, and therefore
deputisable, it really ought to be done; none of the prerogatives are
anyway. And I really don't get the rules-to-the-contrary notwithstanding
here; what sort of rule are you planning to overrule here?            
>       Title: Minister without Portfolio.  
>       Position: The Minister without Portfolio CAN become holder 
>       of a vacant elected office by indicating the Office, unless e 
>       is prevented from holding that office on an ongoing basis.
You probably want a 'by announcement' here.
>       Title:  Majority Leader.  
>       Position: The Majority Leader CAN veto an ordinary decision in 
>       its voting period by indicating the decision; this increases
>       its Adoption Index by 1 and makes it Democratic.
And you definitely want it here; the current wording implies that the
Majority Leader could veto things without anyone else knowing they'd
been vetoed.
>       Title: Cabinet Secretary.  
>       Position: the Cabinet Secretary CAN rubberstamp an ordinary 
>       decision in its voting period by indicating the decision; this 
>       decreases its quorum to 3, rules to the contrary 
>       notwithstanding, except if a proposal is both filibustered and 
>       rubberstamped, in which case its quorum is what it was 
>       originally.
Likewise here for the announcements; also, no way that one single player
should be able to remove a filibuster on something by emself, that's a
massive security bug.
>       Title: Chief Whip.
>       Position:  The Chief Whips's voting limit on an Ordinary 
>       proposal is 1.5 times what it would otherwise be.
You need to modify the Caste rules to defer to this. (Not adding a
'rules to the contrary notwithstanding', that causes problems as coppro
has shown this month.)      
>       A card is not an instrument; the instrument that allows the 
>       change described by a card's exploit is the Rule that describes 
>       that exploit, regardless of whether the exploit describes the 
>       agent performing the change as "you", the card, or another 
>       entity.
I'd prefer "that causes" rather than "that allows", here; it's a lot
>       Whenever the rules indicate that a dealer SHALL deal a card to 
>       an entity, or that the entity "earns a draw" from a particular
>       deck, that deck's dealer SHALL, as soon as possible, create a 
>       card in the possession of that entity, with the card chosen at 
>       random from among cards in that deck, with the probability of a 
>       particular card being chosen being the frequency of that card 
>       divided by the sum of the frequencies of all the cards in that 
>       deck (if this sum is zero, the requirement to deal asap is 
>       waived, and the dealer SHALL NOT deal a card until the sum is 
>       greater than zero).
It's unlikely to come up, but this is buggy if someone's the dealer for
two different decks, one of which has no positive-frequency cards and
the other of which does. (And shouldn't it be 'dealor'?)
>       Office Salary is a switch for each office tracked by the 
>       Accountor, with possible values being the names of each basic
>       deck (default Government).  The holder of each OFFICE CAN change
>       that office's salary by announcement.  At the beginning of each
>       week, each holder of a high-priority office who completed a non-
>       empty set of duties in the prior week earns a draw from the deck
>       indicated by the switch.  At the beginning of each month, each
>       holder of a low-priority office who held the office for 16 or
>       more days in the prior month earns two draws from the deck 
>       indicated by the switch.
This should allow for interest index of offices; at the moment, you're
giving the trivial offices as much salary as the difficult ones.
> Create the following Rule, Basic Hand Limits, AI-2:
>       Each first-class player has a Basic Deck Limit (BDL) of 3.  
>       Every other entity has a BDL of 0.
>       Each entity's Actual Deck Limit (ADL) for a particular basic
>       deck is equal to eir BDL times the number of times that deck
>       appears as part of eir Salary switch.
>       As soon as possible after the beginning of each month, the
>       dealer of each basic deck SHALL, by announcement, destroy a 
>       number of cards at random in each entity's hand equal to the 
>       difference between the number of cards of that deck the entity 
>       has and that entity's ADL for that deck.  The dealer SHALL NOT 
>       deal any cards to any entity between the beginning of the month 
>       and performing this duty for all entities.
Although this works, I don't really like this way of managing hand
limits; simply reducing salaries for people with larger hands is likely
to be easier to track and less randomly annoying (and also adds more
>       * Roll Call      - Increase an indicated player's Vote Power on 
>                          one indicated Ordinary Proposal except in 
>                          last 24 hours of voting period.
Vote Power is not defined in the ruleset, and this proto doesn't define
it. (It /does/ exist in B's ruleset, doing the same thing as Caste in
Agora; possibly you've muddled the nomics. But even with B's definition,
this wouldn't do what you think.)                         
>       * Debate-o-Matic - Make a Proposal you name Democratic.
Are you planning to repeal Support Democracy as well?
>       * On the Nod     - Rubberstamp an indicated Proposal.
OK, so now /anyone/ can get around a filibuster, if they're lucky. This
would make a mockery of Agora's security system. And it works on
democratic proposals too?
>       * Not Your Turn  - cancel a card play that occured in the last 
>                          24 hours; HOWEVER; if this would lead at any
>                          time in the 24 hours after playing to a 
>                          paradox which would prevent its play, its 
>                          play is unsuccessful.
Retroactive effects? At /power 2/? This is far too likely to lead to
ridiculously complex CFJs, and quite possibly scams. (Imagine a power-3
proposal passing, and someone performing an action defined in a power-3
rule it created, then retroactively cancelling a card play such that it
didn't pass after all.)


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