Paul VanKoughnett wrote:
>>          * if the deck's dealer is part of an Officer's duty, then,
>>            during an election for that office but before the last
>>            four days of the election's voting period, a candidate for
>>            that office CAN make and publish a pledge explicitly,
>>            clearly, and obviously describing changes e intends to
>>            make to the frequencies of cards in eir deck.  If e wins
>>            the election, e CAN and SHALL make the described changes
>>            by announcement asap after the election ends.
> On an unrelated note, I would like to see this incorporated into more
> offices.  I think campaign speeches are a good idea and a much better
> way to decide than "this guy messed up fewer times in the past."

A good general policy, certainly. But I'm not sure it needs to be quite
this explicit in the rules. A candidate already SHALL obey pledges to
which e is party; a simple "SHOULD publish a campaign speech in the form
of a pledge governing eir administration of the office's powers" should

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