Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> Sean Hunt wrote:
>> Benjamin Caplan wrote:
>>> I agree to the {}-delimited contract below.
>>> With the majority consent of the set of myself, I cause the LPRS to
>>> intend with Agoran Consent to register.
>> Fails, the LPRS is not a contract.
> I'm not sure I agree. Reading R1728(b), it's not clear to me whether the
> initiator necessarily must have been a person at the time of intent, or
> if it's sufficient for the em to be a person when the decision is resolved.
> I'll have it re-intend once it's a person, to reduce ambiguity.
Once it's a contract, I see no issue, but until it's a contract I don't
think it qualifies as an entity you can act on behalf of, because it
doesn't grant that power until it becomes a contract.