On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Aaron Goldfein<aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Proposal: Creative Offices (AI = 2, II = 1)
> Create a new power-2 rule entitled "Creative Offices" and the following text:
>       A creative office is a role defined as such by the rules. All
>       creative offices are offices. When a player ceases to hold a
>       creative office, then, rules to the contrary notwithstanding,
>       that player CAN NOT come to hold that office again for 3 months.
>       When a player has held a creative office consecutively for 3
>       months, any player CAN cause that creative office to become
>       vacant by announcement. The IADoP tracks which players, if any,
>       are not permitted to hold a particular creative office
> Amend the first sentence of Rule 2247 to read:
>       The Janitor is a creative office; its holder is responsible for
>       cleaning the rules.
> Amend the first sentence of Rule 2216 to read:
>       The Anarchist is a creative office; its holder is responsible
>       for proposing the repeal of rules.
> End Proposal
> -Yally

Any comments on this proposal?

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