On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Aaron Goldfein wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Aaron Goldfein<aarongoldf...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Proposal: Creative Offices (AI = 2, II = 1)
>> Create a new power-2 rule entitled "Creative Offices" and the following text:
>>       A creative office is a role defined as such by the rules. All
>>       creative offices are offices. When a player ceases to hold a
>>       creative office, then, rules to the contrary notwithstanding,
>>       that player CAN NOT come to hold that office again for 3 months.
>>       When a player has held a creative office consecutively for 3
>>       months, any player CAN cause that creative office to become
>>       vacant by announcement. The IADoP tracks which players, if any,
>>       are not permitted to hold a particular creative office
>> Amend the first sentence of Rule 2247 to read:
>>       The Janitor is a creative office; its holder is responsible for
>>       cleaning the rules.
>> Amend the first sentence of Rule 2216 to read:
>>       The Anarchist is a creative office; its holder is responsible
>>       for proposing the repeal of rules.
>> End Proposal
>> -Yally
> Any comments on this proposal?

I don't think announcement should make the office vacant, (why not give
the incumbent an extra week?  better than a vacancy IMO).  Maybe say
"anyone can initiate an election for which the incumbent is not eligible
to be nominated".  I also think 3 months is too much (what happens if
the new person abdicates?  the original holder should be able to run
again); if my proposal to prevent elections from being started for 90
days passes, this integrates in reasonably nicely, all you have to do
is say that the previous incumbent can't be nominated for one election.


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