Getting lots of cards in while making them come up often enough is a challenge
(already had to go to "out of 1000" in last proto-proto).  What do you all
think of the following outline for specialization (basic trading-card game
mechanic here):

1.  There are N defined Decks (Suggestions:  Legislative, Judicial, Academic,

2.  Each Player has M Draw Switches where M is the minimum monthly salary.
    Switch values are the names of each defined Deck.  Can change at will
    but only value at beginning of month is important.

3.  Each card type has a frequency in each deck (a matrix).  Legislative is
    mostly vote power cards; Judicial (obvious); Academic is Proposal 
    distribution cards.  Bureucratic deals with offices.  Some chance of
    drawing a "roll again from a different deck".  Monthly draws are from 
    deck frequencies indicated by players' switches.

4.  Different activities (judging, proposing, etc.) earn draws from different

Result: strategy, more cards can be defined with probabilities a mix of
choice and random.

What do you think, worth the complication with it getting as cross-matrixed
as notes but associated with specialties?  A better way to do committees? 


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