Draft 2, incorporating various suggestions.
1. Made two degrees of the Order.
2. Loosened the restriction on player status.
3. Increased the AI of the proposal so that it would have enough
power to do itself.
4. Proposed awarding HAN to Zefram, and spelled out the citations
for upgrading the past Heroes' titles.
Draft proposal "Order of the Hero", AI = 3
Create a power 2 rule titled "Order of the Hero of Agora Nomic" with
the following text:
The set of patent titles defined in this rule constitute the Order of
the Hero of Agora Nomic; the titles may be colletively referred to as
"Heroic titles" and a Bearer of a Heroic title as a Hero.
Heroic titles are Agora's premier titles of distinction, and may be
awarded to persons for meritorious service only by a proposal of
power 3 or greater. Heroic titles SHOULD NOT be revoked. Heroes are
entitled to use the abbreviation of eir title as postnomial letters
in Agora communications and reports.
The Heroic titles in decreasing precedence are:
Grand Hero of Agora Nomic (GHAN) -- This title may be awarded to any
person for the most exemplary meritorious service to Agora or to the
game of Nomic at large. As this title is the highest honour that
Agora may bestow, a Bearer of this title OUGHT to be treated right
good forever.
Hero of Agora Nomic (HAN) -- This title may be awarded to any person
for outstanding meritorious service to Agora above and beyond the
call of duty.
Upon adoption of this proposal:
* Peter Suber's title of Hero is upgraded to Grand Hero of Agora
Nomic, for creating the game of Nomic.
* Chuck Carroll's title of Hero is upgraded to Grand Hero of Agora
Nomic, for [[what did he do?]].
* Douglas Hofstadter's title of Hero is upgraded to Grand Hero of
Agora Nomic, for [[what did he do?]].
* Zefram is awarded the title of Hero of Agora Nomic, for eir
meritorious serivce in analyzing the Quantum Crisis and proposing the
resolution to that crisis.
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM