On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bringing back the patent title of Hero, and a supplement to Prop. 6007.
> Create a rule titled:  Order of the Heroes of Agora Nomic
> There exists a set of patent titles known collectively as the Order of the
> Heroes of Agora Nomic (as a group, "Hero"; Bearers may be known as
> "Heroes").  A person may only bear one of these titles (the highest-ranking
> title) at a time.  The title of Hero SHOULD be awarded only for substantial
> meritorious service to Agora, and SHOULD NOT be revoked.  Heroes are
> entitled to use the abbreviation of eir title as postnomial letters in Agora
> communications and reports.
> From highest to lowest, the titles of Hero are:
> Grand Hero of Agora Nomic (GHAN) - This title may be awarded to any person
> who either once was a player of Agora or has had some close connection to
> Agora, and for the most meritorious service to Agora and the game of Nomic
> at large.  This title is the highest honour that Agora bestows; a bearer
> OUGHT to be treated right good forever.  This title may be awarded by a
> proposal of power 3 or higher.
> Hero of Agora Nomic (HAN) - This title may be awarded to any current player
> of Agora, or any former player for service to Agora not quite meriting the
> award of GHAN.  This title may be awarded by a proposal of power 2 or
> higher.
> Companion Hero of Agora Nomic (CAN) - This title may be awarded to any
> person not currently a player of Agora.  This title may be awarded by a
> proposal of power 1.5 or higher.
> ----
> On adoption of this proposal, all Bearers of the (currently undefined)
> patent title Hero are awarded the patent title of Grand Hero of Agora Nomic;
> the title of Hero is then retired (a polite way of saying revoked &
> replaced).  If Prop. 6007 was adopted, then Murphy is awarded the patent
> title of Hero of Agora Nomic; the title of Heroic Notary is then retired.

If 6007 gets a 1.5<=VI<2.0, then this draft awards HAN when an
equivelent proposal under the draft could only achieve a CAN..

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