Bringing back the patent title of Hero, and a supplement to Prop. 6007.

Create a rule titled:  Order of the Heroes of Agora Nomic

There exists a set of patent titles known collectively as the Order of the Heroes of Agora Nomic (as a group, "Hero"; Bearers may be known as "Heroes"). A person may only bear one of these titles (the highest-ranking title) at a time. The title of Hero SHOULD be awarded only for substantial meritorious service to Agora, and SHOULD NOT be revoked. Heroes are entitled to use the abbreviation of eir title as postnomial letters in Agora communications and reports.

From highest to lowest, the titles of Hero are:

Grand Hero of Agora Nomic (GHAN) - This title may be awarded to any person who either once was a player of Agora or has had some close connection to Agora, and for the most meritorious service to Agora and the game of Nomic at large. This title is the highest honour that Agora bestows; a bearer OUGHT to be treated right good forever. This title may be awarded by a proposal of power 3 or higher.

Hero of Agora Nomic (HAN) - This title may be awarded to any current player of Agora, or any former player for service to Agora not quite meriting the award of GHAN. This title may be awarded by a proposal of power 2 or higher.

Companion Hero of Agora Nomic (CAN) - This title may be awarded to any person not currently a player of Agora. This title may be awarded by a proposal of power 1.5 or higher.

On adoption of this proposal, all Bearers of the (currently undefined) patent title Hero are awarded the patent title of Grand Hero of Agora Nomic; the title of Hero is then retired (a polite way of saying revoked & replaced). If Prop. 6007 was adopted, then Murphy is awarded the patent title of Hero of Agora Nomic; the title of Heroic Notary is then retired.

Benjamin Schultz KE3OM

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