Our Bards are Three! Let's celebrate And not this moment shun -- Proposal, "Poet Laureate", AI and II 1: { [Ordain an Office for us who'll Ensure that prose stays not the same.] At Power 1, create a Rule, "The Poet Laureate" its name:
There is an office Poet Laureate, Which no one but a Bard can occupy. So long eir post e doesn't abdicate, Eir weekly duties are that e must try To make a new Proposal to amend A Rule, still writ in prose, to verse and rhyme. And, if the Vote permits the Rule to mend, Eir monthly duty thus is done on time. But, if eir week's reports are failed four times, E shall in timely fashion nominate (As full sufficient penance for these crimes) Some other Bard for Poet Laureate. But, if a year e does not lapse or flee, E fits the Win Condition Poetry. }