On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Alexander Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> root:
>> To put it in algebraic terms, "FOO" expands to a vote.  The
>> multiplication multiplies the number of votes.  I don't see what's
>> ambiguous about that.
> The fact that FOO might not be a constant. It's ambiguous whether you're 
> multiplying the result of the expansion of one mention of FOO, or if you're 
> generating 5 separate copies of FOO, which isn't even a vote.
> Let me expand BobTHJ's sell ticket literally, fixing the grammar:
> "[I] post[ing] a Sell
> Ticket with a cost of 5VP and vot[e/ing] to endorse the filler of that
> ticket x5"
> Notice where the x5 ends up after the expansion. That looks awfully to me 
> like voting x5, based on one Sell Ticket.
> The ambiguity is in whether the SELL(5VP) or the x5 is expanded first. You 
> seem to think the x5 is expanded first, but I still can't see any evidence 
> for this view.

It's not a macro.  The agreement clearly refers to SELL(5VP) as being
a conditional vote.


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